Jeremy Thomas Porta

Omg I would die and rise again three days later

Well she was a teacher at Groundlings for years and years so in addition to being personally successful she has extensive experience teaching comedy/improv so I would have been hanging onto her every word and begging for more.

Well it's because the winners were decided as a pair, but the bottom queens were picked out individually. I think as a pair Max/Pearl did the best.

Well the Heathers were legitimately great and the other queens were not on their level.

Yeah, now I think of hot lesbian sex whenever I hear "Straight Up." Carmen and Raja fucked it to death, and then brought it back to life.

Yeah…I was thinking it seemed kind of forced but after reflecting on it more I think Pearl and Max did have the best chemistry together and while they weren't the best individually, collectively they were the best pair IMO. I think the standouts were Katya and Ginger, but they both had shitty partners. Kennedy and

I think 3 is my favorite. Raja and Manila and the rest made that season pretty legendary.

They're probably saving the good songs for later on when they'll really count.

Miss Fame and those chickens…good lord. I thought Fame's acceptance speech was nearly the best, only after Katya. Actually all of them had pretty great acceptance speeches. Fame and Violet's presentation however…yikes. I didn't care for either of the bottom two, so whatevs. Maybe Kandy will go home next week.

It's so strange, since I was under the impression that RPDR is basically single-handedly keeping the lights on over at Logo.

Oh my stars, really? Tell me more about that.

Something about this episode…I was just not that into it. Also the elimination was very painful for me to watch since I like both Pearl and Trixie so much and I think there are many weaker queens who should have gone home before Trixie did.

Oh my

Isn't that a character on Southpark?

After she explained it I could kind of see it with her face, but it did not come together as a look. Like, that was definitely just some PR drivel she came up with at the last minute.

Yes, I get that. I just felt some people can get really far up their nose about it. Like, I wouldn't act some kind of way because someone said they hadn't ever read Callimachus.

I would die and go to heaven. That would be everything. But if they fucked it up I would be bitter for the rest of my life.

If they had smeared any more vaseline on the lens I could have fucked the camera.

I thought Max's polio look was very Anti-Vaxxer chic.

Yeah but I will say that the weakest of Tyra's looks was head and shoulders above anything Jasmine pulled out.