Jeremy Thomas Porta

I can totally see that. The "my house" line was what totally killed it for me.

No, he has a boyfriend. He's gay. I think it's some ill-considered character choice.

I guess what bothered me was how it came about. To me, it didn't feel organic. It was literally Katya pulling Fame aside out of nowhere (I didn't get the impression they had really spoken before, but the way this show is shot I'm sure we miss lots of socializing) to have a 'moment' and while I do believe the things

I agree. They've been really aggressive with me before as well. Normally it would have turned me off from their blog completely but they do a good job curating things that generally catch my interest, so I try not to pay too much attention to their opinions I disagree with. I also think it's kind of offensive how

Yeah but what I can't stand is the weird armchair psychology bullshit that always comes out.

Yeah that is exactly my thought. The show has never been more popular, especially with a mainstream audience now that straight people have caught onto it.

Speaking of Untucked, I was dying for the Violet/Pearl interactions. I could watch those two forever (while maybe hoping they'd start kaikaing).

Well they keep playing obscure 80s B-sides that no one has ever heard. Where are the fucking songs?!

I felt deeply uncomfortable watching it. Those feelings might be genuine, but showcasing them for the camera felt forced, I hate 'moments' and I am not sure national television is really the appropriate venue for psychotherapy.

She actually nailed the accent and manner of speaking.

Yeah I actually went and watched a lot of Adele interviews because I was curious how close Ginger came to the mark of her actual personality. I was somewhat surprised that she was spot fucking on. Ginger had the right accent, the cadence, the diction, everything. I agree the food bit was unnecessary, and feels a bit

I don't know who it is that enjoys watching other people be super personal and emotional on screen, but as much as I like Katya and support her recovery and acknowledge being under so much pressure must be a mindfuck, I cannot watch manufactured "moments" like that. Literally I can't force myself to look. I have to

I was kind of mad they stopped reviewing Drag Race. They review all these shit shows for years, but got tired of doing Drag Race? Bitches, please. I didn't say that though since they hate me already. They ban my comments all the time.

Uhhh I don't agree that Ginger's win felt forced. I don't even like her all that much, but I laughed more and harder at her Adele than the rest put together. I agree that how much she channeled Adele is questionable, since I have no idea how Adele talks or acts, but she was hysterically funny and that's what counts

I wouldn't necessarily say Roxxxy did "well" and Little Edie is a historical camp icon.

Straight men watch the show? I'm not being a bitch, but genuinely curious.

Well this one time at least it makes sense since she's supposed to be a ghost.

Yeah but whether she threw it together or not she was still channeling that movie. Even if you disagree, it's obvious she was either in a car crash or fell down the stairs or something. She was selling "my neck, my back, everything is broken" on the runway. What was super rich was Kennedy ragging on anyone else's

What was up with Kennedy criticizing Pearl's look, or anyone else's for that matter? She looked like a dead chicken and straight up admitted to Ginger and Katya that she had no idea what she was doing but pulled a random (ugly) costume out of her ass and made up a dumb story to go with it. Pearl obviously died from

Alexis Mateo, more like Alexis Potato. I kind of liked Yara. But you didn't say anything about all the other girls who weren't as good. You had Shangela, bless her heart, who is funny but was intensely insecure and unlikeable on the show. Stacy Lane Matthews, enough said. All of the others: meh.