Jeremy Thomas Porta

Pyramus and Thisbe is a real work from antiquity (included as a story within the Metamorphoses) that was adapted as a play-within-a-play for Midsummer Night's Dream.

That's very true. On the other hand, I'm not sure that Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley are well-known enough in America for that to work.

No, she was just disappointed.

Honestly I've forgotten most of season 1.

She probably doesn't try to be too obvious about it on the remote off-chance someone could upstage her. Also, I thought her look last week was very clever. It was clearly meant to be wet drapery like Classical sculpture. The pre-cursor to actual female nudity in statuary was this trick, where everything is revealed

Kandy seems like a really poor showing for Puerto Rico. I hope she goes home soon because she's just not entertaining or memorable. Sorry to say, I also keep forgetting Mrs. Kasha Davis is even on the show.

I kinda agree, but also arbitrary cultural canon kind of rubs me the wrong way. MacBeth is honestly kind of a shit play, and how many people know about Pyramus and Thisbe or the plot of Lysistrata?

I didn't get that tone from her. I felt she was having to be somewhat defensive and trying to head it off.

I thought for sure that Kennedy was trying to set her up to look racist, so thankfully she switched the parts back. I don't need to watch that kind of thing.

I like Violet's look a lot, but she's a nasty bitch and there's no getting around it.

I've always wanted to see someone do Edina Monsoon or Patsy Stone, but I'm pretty sure they can't since those are probably copyrighted characters or something.

Hah! That's hilarious. I can just imagine those queens pulling that stunt.

That why I said I think most people read it in middle school. That being said, who knows if he didn't like leave home at 14 and live on the streets or something. I think it's ridiculous that people have such big gaps in their reference pools, but I'm not entirely willing to skewer people for a lack of education either.

I can't remember the last time Ru got angry. It was pretty shocking to watch. Now, maybe she was playing to the drama, but it read as being legitimately angry to me.

I agree, her beard was ratchet. I was just saying, color differentials can happen!

Well, as a bearded guy myself ( I should update my photo) I have dark brown hair but a very red beard. It's the Scottish genes, I guess.

Also isn't Ginger like 24?

Now, I don't know his life or anything, but I will say that college educated drag queens (although who doesn't cover Shakespeare in middle/high school?) are the exception rather than the rule. Who knows where he is coming from.

Oh yes, the way that Ginger stirs the pot you'd think she was a trained chef. She is a master.