Else You Are Mad

How did you get your hands on Tucker Calrson’s script for tonight’s show?!?

Sure he was only indicating that he won three times just like Ingraham was only waiving to the crowd at CPAC...

The reality is that all of these old boomer white men Democrats would have all become Republicans by now but for the fact that the Tea Party and the extreme evangelicals took over the GOP in the wake of Obama being elected. They align more with 90s and early 2000s era GOP than they do with the modern Democratic and

You left out that “it is racist and will hurt poor black people!” will be used to rebut every thing offered by Biden. That is the main reason why they chose Scott.

Let’s not forget that Bush Jr took almost all of August 2001 as a vacation. No one complained about that either. 

He was but that didn’t stop the Tea Party proto-MAGAts from blaming the Katrina catastrophe of the first black president and First Lady. It started making the rounds on the idiot right wing echo chamber in 2012. 

After all they were blaming Katrina on Obama and yelled and screamed that as president he should have done more and it was a disgrace that the first lady was shopping the day the storm hit. 

The real question is how long until someone shoots a black person wearing a mask on Trucker’s orders?

Most likely and all the while complaining how the US isn’t socialism and any socialism is pure evil.

I love the sound of conservatives crying because of the free market decisions made by corporations.

I thought the same thing. There was probably a lot of racism and sexism coming from him behind the scenes and this was the perfect time to finally get rid of him because this was public so you he couldn’t come out and say they were lying. 

It’s very doubtful this would cause a mistrial or a successful post conviction appeal. The key here is that she is a CA congresswoman expressing a nationwide common view. If she were a local or state politician and she said that there will be violence directly against the jurirs maybe there would be a chance of there

That ruling is the most frightening thing to come out of the Supreme Court in a very long time. 

Why does anyone engage with this fake Dr Lizardo after all this time? If it is something racist, homophobic or sexist it is the fake Lizardo and their comment should be summarily dismissed. I didn’t even want to even say this because any attention gets the man-child off but knowing is half the battle.

Pat Roberts is an awful human being but he has been very vocal and correct about the issue of gun violence and police violence. He doesn’t even blame it on the LGBT community. 

Maybe if she was this performative a year ago we wouldn’t be in this situation. 

Are you Officer Potter because not even my NYPD friends and family are defending her for what she did. Every single one of them have said that the mistaking the taser for gun excuse stops working the day after they graduate from the academy and stopped working in the media 15 years ago. 

The two officers that were within a few feet should have taken him in and completed the arrest instead of having an officer that was 20 feet away from the subject run in and immediately attempt to ‘taser’ him. When I was a prosecutor in an urban county and I had to deal with these types of situations all the time and

I don’t know what this officer was thinking but she was the officer tasked with training new recruits. She is the person that was specifically tasked with teaching those without experience how to differentiate between a heavy fire arm and a much lighter taser. Either she intended to do it or she was so incompetent

It is unconstitutional to use any less lethal force to stop a suspect from fleeing if he hasn’t presented a reasonable indication he is an IMMEDIATE threat to someone.