Me So Soup

I personally feel that well-informed and well-read critics don't tell you what to see or not see; they're simply there to tell you what their experience was. With that in mind, I find critics that I personally enjoy reading their style and go with that. I still disagree with their points-of-views on certain films, but

Opposing evidence: Prequels love during Star Wars Week.

Louise Belcher would never admit defeat!

TL;DR version - This 2016 reboot wants to have its cake and eat it, too: get the bennies of being a Ghostbusters movie but none of the work. Feig and Co. recognize there's baggage by making this franchise, but only want to carry the lightest suitcases (Slimer, Ecto -1, proton packs, ghosts), while leaving the truly

Why I Believe This Film To Be A Piece of Garbage…

I want to make a Royal-Tennenbaum- pissing-as-a-DVD-extra joke here, but after approximately 78 seconds, I gave up on it.

Sign me up and point me where to to go.

When Gosling was on recently, I got a few really good laughs from it.

Wait - like if we covered them in Zygrot-24 and made a hybrid of the two? Oh man I'd pay to see that Freaked sequel…


Gotta second that - Bobby Moynihan and Kate McKinnon are truly the most interesting people currently on SNL. I wish it weren't true, and maybe it's my old age creeping in, but their ability to inhabit any character makes their performances of stale jokes really work.

Okay - I'll bite. What is your definition of 'equality' and 'rationality' concerning the discussion of women's rights and (for the fuck of it) throw in racial inequality?

I want a list of both on my desk by 9 am tomorrow morning (that's Central Standard time). If not, Todd, you can find yourself a new fucking job.

Oh shit - you're right! It does look like the trailer for Pixels!

She had it left over from the MacGruber shoot.

Hi, Zod.

Ignore it. Don't engage it, especially with hostility.

Pretty standard response…except…"we"?

If you're referring to Decal's remarks, yeah I totally saw it. And I called him on it. I agree with Bogira and Decal42 on most of what they said. And I vehemently disagree with you and Jack Spat's point-of-view, including the aggressive tone which seems to simply stem from a childish reaction to an admittedly