Me So Soup

Why yes! The name's Richard Creation.

Jesus Christ - the sound effects for the blood in MK4 sound like somebody slapping their hands into water.

I gotta completely disagree about Hush. That movie had scene after scene of unbelievable actions made by unbelievable characters. It was a treat to see John Gallagher Jr do something atypical, but otherwise, I spent most of the movie going "Why are you doing that?", "What are you thinking?", or "Why did you even think

Gotta admit - it's not every day a character shares your somewhat uncommon last name.

But not me! I'm too insipid to come up with something as clever as that!

Should have spent the $11.99 on LastPass, HBO. Saves you a ton of headaches.

Crown. You know, like…crown?

Oh you know. It's going well, I suppose. I've been very busy - I mean have you heard my latest Spontanea — WHAT A MINUTE!!

Every Paul F Tompkins bit is worth listening to. He is an American treasure, goddammit.

The breakdown in his voice when he says "I've abandoned my child!" Gets me every time.

Between this and Schindler's List, I don't know what to be more offended by!

Albeit for nefarious US government purposes…

Ooooh I have been waiting for the Behind-the-Scenes Making-Of for Star Trek: Into Darkness!

Not everybody could afford 50" plasma screens in 2001, Mr. Miller.


Get out.

Here, here. I fell asleep in the theatre trying to watch that dreck.

Last Action Hero was great. That's it.

As a budding climatologist and someone who has studied tropical cyclones, I'd like to rant for just a moment about a claim the trailer makes (I haven't seen the film and have no intention to) - and it's one that many climate documentaries, articles, and protesters make: that climate change is the cause for all the

Well I expect my $15 gift card to Lowe's to be in the mail any minute now.