Really? I didn't experience too many audio issues with that. To be fair, you can't hold that against them - they weren't meant to be used for this specific purpose, but it's what we've got.
3 is not bigger - it's the same size. That's one of my gripes with this game. The load times seem longer (or are the same) for a machine with 16x as much memory and a shitload more graphical power (I have XBOX, but it shouldn't really make a difference considering my point).
It doesn't help that most of the vehicles have the speed and turn radius of a boulder. When did a little 4 door coupe drive like an WWII tank missing its tracks?
They don't give you the ability to quickly tether to the ground and cancel the wingsuit like you can with the parachute. Unless I'm a complete moron and missed that, or it is an upgrade (??) later on in the game. That's probably the most difficult thing for me to get used to. Once I realized you need to generally…
What a great first episode. And it's still got that "oh shit! I gotta hear next week's!" feeling at its conclusion.
Schmidt wont die: he's in Season 1.
I've been saying for years we need to monetize coughing. I feel vindicated.
And those props! "VROOM VROOM VROOM"!
Thanks for the link - she seems so forced and and her voice too quirky for my tastes, but her work in that cover of Because the Night was really good.
And in the case of the robbed champion, Local H, you dont have to exist at all!
Yeah - my mom and girlfriend still listen to Undisclosed, but I don't know…I lost interest in it because the podcast became so enamored with just the tiniest detail, and my work requires me to pay so much attention (without having to interact with others, thankfully) that I can't focus on that podcast.
Well let's see if it works:
Great video…except for the intro that took up almost 20% of the running time.
Eh…yeah it's not great at pacing. Or story-telling.
To be quite honest with you, I have tweeted at earwolf multiple times asking them what was the point? Honestly - the main reason I went with them is I wanted to get rid of those ridiculous ads, which they had promised when promoting it they would remove from future podcasts AND removed from past podcasts. They're…
Did you check out "Undisclosed"? It's basically taking up the charge of the case.
Sad times. :( And thanks.