Since it has been deleted - what was the post about?
Since it has been deleted - what was the post about?
Scott Lucas is the man I wish I could be when I grow up. And yeah - "Hey, Killer" was at least their best since "Pack Up The Cats", in my opinion. We needed someone who could match Joe's destruction of his own kit.
Fantastic album. Glad you could catch up with it!
I really don't feel Viet Cong got enough love. Nice list.
Fair enough - my smartass remarks were only there to counteract your behavior, but I'll chill that here. I will explain to you what my problem is with your statement on "the proper experience" of film. As an aside, I actually disagree with the OP concerning their methods of watching films (and agree with you), but I…
But, in my opinion, it's generally in good form to do so.
Randall Colburn - check out Dan Romer's "Beasts of No Nation" soundtrack if you haven't already. Took my breath away.
That's true - it is a separate discussion. Good point. As long as you feel the appropriate amount of shame for your actions, well…I guess all is right with the world.
You sure can have 'em! You just can't present them as fact is all. Lesson learned.
Ah - see there's where I will fervently disagree with you, and it is not necessarily the method of you watching the film, but your method on getting access to the film. You won't hear me argue against going to the theatre at the prices they are at now (although with Moviepass being 30 - 35 bucks a month for 1 2D movie…
check out @cinecraft:disqus explanation earlier in the comments - it was quite handy.
I'm sorry - I missed this class on The Proper Experience. Could you give me a teaser as to what this experience should entail?
You assume they watch films for the same reasons you do. That's an unfortunate assumption.
Assuming he/she lives within at least a 200 mile radius of the (at most) 96 theaters of the 5463 theater sites in our country that is showing 70mm. An unfortunate assumption.
What format are you watching it in? Is it only streaming? Is it DVD? Does your laptop have a Blu-ray player? Where do you usually watch the movie? What kind of speakers do you use? Do you / can you use headphones? What movies do you prefer to watch in this way? What do you consider "a good film"? What are you looking…
Viet Cong getting that sweet sweet end of the year love.
Look - go see Rifftrax do "The Room" live on January 28th. It's about 2 hours (generally from 7pm CST to 9pm CST) and it costs about 12 - 20 bucks at a local theatre that is hosting it. You can see a crappy film made fun of very well. I promise - you won't regret it. I saw it in July of last year and I couldn't…
Wait. Local H didn't win? What??!
Ugh, if I had a nickel every time a girl said that last line to me…