I think comedy is the most subjective of all film types - the genre can have some radical structures and themes, and simply not being in the right frame of mind for a particular film makes all the difference.
I think comedy is the most subjective of all film types - the genre can have some radical structures and themes, and simply not being in the right frame of mind for a particular film makes all the difference.
As disheartening as it is to read the frustration between you and other nameless party, I actually do align more with their assertion that your comments do lean towards a dismissal of Mike the Critic (maybe not Mike the Person). I would argue that we as a consumer of Mike's reviews should not speculate about his…
Dude, your list is the EXACT same as mine. Took me by surprise to be honest. Although your comments on Diablo 3 are unforgivable.
Your icon and your comment couldn't be more well-matched. You win the interwebz.
Getting the pointless shit out of the way first: The sad excuse for wit I was displaying obviously didn't come through well at all - I realize you weren't yelling. My fault.
See? I find that to be undue stress on yourself. If it's bad, just turn it off - stop wasting time hoping it gets better. You seem like an intelligent person from the hours and hours of interaction we've had on this site - why suffer through something just in the hopes of a magically wonderful ending? Why force…
You and your anecdote can make like a tree and get the hell out of here.
To me, I read that statement as "Boy, there sure aren't a lot of quality films being made."
I think Mike's method is something that cinema lovers should practice - we all have seen enough films to generally get a sense of what it means for the first ten minutes. For those who aren't as skilled with allowing themselves to settle in rather quickly into a film and let it wash over them, then I don't think this…
I see your point on the amount of time spent on trying to find those with a tendancy towards social justice that will be reasonable and learned enough to not just repeat what they've been told, but to have their own unique opinion on the matter - you reference this when you say (paraphrasing) you've got to learn your…
Those last few sentences were really good. I'm gonna steal those for arguments I have in the future.
It's really sort of laid-back. Wasn't that awkward or tense at all.
Just showed up to the thread - elaborate?
Right? Although it is rather old, from what I hear. Even it does smell of rich mahogany.
I had to ask my girlfriend that question - luckily she knew I would buy it anyway and bought me Mulholland Drive Criterion Collection instead.
Who are these heathens purchasing physical discs?!
Dammit! Didn't edit fast enough…
I didn't know nothing about Luke's fate had been revealed in the trailers or anywhere else! DOUBLED RUINED!
Well there went me trying to stay completely unspoiled on anything Star Wars: Force Awakens related.
Not if the movie is structured in a way to make me root for this sociopathic couple. Also, that seems as just a by-product, and not an intention, of Walter - so this film gets no points.