
No way. If science stopped for civic crisis we'd never get anywhere. This is ten billion dollars and began over 30 years ago. Meanwhile, each aircraft carrier is trillions. 

No. If we stopped exploration for wars and famine and lousy politics we'd still be in the cave. Categorically rejected.

The 13 are alive but in captivity according to Ukrainian reports. No one fucking said any of this is cool, but the Ukrainian losses will be just meaningless tragedy if the Russians win; at least if the Ukrainians drive them back the survivors will retain their freedom and can mourn their dead in peace.

RIP nuance, we hardly knew ye. Some less than others.

Fuck you. Get fucked. Fuck yourself. Fuck you.

almost as if context matters, wiiiiild

Rogozhin? Like the character from Dostoevksy’s The Idiot? Seems like he’s doing his best to be a huge piece of shit like his namesake.

That’s fucking gross, but also, how pathetic do these folks have to be to think “the reason I can’t sleep with Natalie Portman is that she hasn’t turned 18 yet?”. Trust me, that wasn’t the major barrier.

Cavill plays 40k and builds PCs - that dude doesn’t have any spare money to invest in NFTs!

Congratulations, you have written the stupidest thing I’ve seen on the internet today. Quite the accomplishment. 

I will quibble and say the conservatorship was put in place not long after the night that Britney shaved her head and “menaced” the paparazzi with an umbrella, and a few days/weeks later locked herself (with her children, I think?) in a bathroom to the point where the people in her life SAY they were worried about her

Imagine being so desperate to appear superior that you’d jump on on three words from a sub-head with no bearing on the piece that follows.

OJ 2.0

That’s the Kobiyashi Maru of this.  Do it like they did?  Problematic as laid out.  Do it like you said?  Appropriation.  Don’t do it at all?  Erasure.  There is no winning move here.

Which is what grandparents tend to do.  Its the price you pay for free babysitting.  Honestly if you kids eat McDonalds once a week its not gonna kill them, especially if you give them healthy food the rest of the time

I am with ya on this one. Getting access to your grandkids is not a right, its a privilege and you need to respect the parents rules. That being said, this lady sounds pretty shitty too.  Let the kids get some McDonalds once and a while

Your point notwithstanding, “never” is an odd word to use when the person holding them accountable this time, is white.

Very cool yes good idea to never say anything or try to improve situations or grow or evolve.

She’d be better off just ignoring it or just getting used to it. Shes a celebrity and its part of the gig. She works in a visual medium. She was picked in part due to how she would look on screen and how that look would appeal to the masses. Its no mistake that people find her attractive and saying people need to stop

They are both assholes.