
More freak show, tranny, gay shit. Who cares?

When are we going to accept the reality that black males are a burden in this nation and increase mandatory sentencing in violent crimes. Black men are around 4.5-5% of the US population and responsible for the majority of homicides, yet all social criticism is against “racist” white males. It’s bullshit.

Leftists would rather protect black male animals than live in our reality where 4.5% of the US population commits most of it’s murder and violent crimes.

 A junkie is a jukie, there’s no excuse. They should be put down.

Drinking alcohol is for idiots. You’re just killing yourself and the rest of us wish you’d speed up the process. Smokers, junkies and drunks should be shot on sight.

Of course it was ghosted, it’s a bad game from top to bottom. Everything from the setting, to the npc’s/companions, to the repetitive worlds to yet another god awful Bethesda “story”. I got about 10-20ish hours in and already the repetition set in. I doubt I’ll ever go back unless it pulls a No Man’s Sky and 8 years

Yeah, with all the things going on in the world I’m gonna worry about how my garbage collector feels and make sure he gets a fresh bottle of water at every stop. Shut the fuck up and take my garbage you fucking loser and stop crying like a bitch while your at it. Who the fuck even interacts with the people that

Kotaku is a freak show. I’ve finally moved to the right and am even flirting with religion. There are men and women, full stop. This trans shit will end one way or another, preferably a final “another”.

Lighten up, Francis.

Stewart signed with a company that he knows enslaves people and works people to death. He’s as bad as Putin, Xi and any other fascist capitalist scumbag.

You mean the washed up scumbag that signed a contract with a company he actively knows enslaves people and works them to death? Yeah, what a hero.

Fuck them both. First, Jon Stewart is a pop cap revolutionary that signed with a company that everyone knows actually ENSLAVES people, so he’s a fucking poser and a scumbag to start. Second, Apple is a shit company that makes overpriced and overrated products and anyone that buys their crap is a chump and a god damned

Looks like them Duke boys are at it again.

People like this should be beaten with a hammer and all their assets spread out for everyone. This trash serves no purpose in existing, just like conservatards and libtards. Burn them all to the ground and rebuild a world based in common sense and treat any fantasy thought like the mental illness it is.

First of all, you know fuck all about what happened between Pitt and Aniston. Second, nobody went after her, period. Nobody. Pitt and Jolie were made the bad guys instantly in that situation.

If he’s not lying, his smear campaign is completely justified just like if the situation were reversed. When men cheat, society drags their names through the mud and instantly supports the woman and rightfully so. When the roles are reversed, he’s supposed to play the good little partner and shut the fuck up while

Such a bullshit article. I would love to read this if it was Sophie on mom duty while Jonas was out partying and possibly cheating. Would you tell her shame on you for not standing by the father of your children? What a pile of horseshit. If she’s out partying instead of taking care of her family with her husband and

Let me translate for Todd since he seems to be having trouble. What he means is that since they make AAA money, but are the size of a AA studio and they refuse to bring in fresh talent despite making the same mistakes over the years they didn’t have the talent, ambition or time to include vehicles in a game that

Volition is a shit company that had a couple hits before going full woke and pc. They killed themselves years ago with awful games and then awful politics in games. They got rightfully crushed for it and I know it kills you that this news makes me smile and laugh.

Go woke, go broke. When you make a game where you care more about representing a population of people that barely exist and even fewer that game, then it’ll end up shit and it ended up shit. Volition wasn’t shut down, it jumped off a cliff and will hopefully be a lesson to future devs.