Why on Earth would they try to rebuild in Unreal instead of using the Source Engine and the available Half Life assets? I don’t like to guarantee much, but I guarantee you this never gets done.
Why on Earth would they try to rebuild in Unreal instead of using the Source Engine and the available Half Life assets? I don’t like to guarantee much, but I guarantee you this never gets done.
You’re kidding, right? We’re not talking about having to live somewhere despite the risk like the 1/3rd to 1/2 of America that could get hit by a tornado or a couple of fault lines you can minimize damage from through tighter construction regulations. These assholes built homes in the lava flow path of an active…
Chicago is on the New Madrid fault line and it’s more active historically that the San Andreas. And as a life long Chicagoan, we are most certainly not outside tornado alley. I love Chicago, but there is no such thing as a place on Earth free from natural disaster risk. That being said building next to an active…
Yep, must just be those successful white guys. As we all know, black, latino, and asian men never commit domestic violence. Welcome to the alternate reality where anti-white racism is societies norm and nobody else can do wrong.
He sounds like a typical eccentric, self absorbed, douche bag. A pretend artist crying about his own involvement and failures in a corporate hierarchy he signed on for knowing exactly what these companies are like. Even the concept of the game sounds like what a 6th grader would think would be cool. “No seriously…
If WW2 kept dragging on into the 50's everyone’s armies would have eventually ground to a halt and the nuclear weapon use would have destroyed most of the industrial capacity and populations of the world. The constant devastation to production, resource supply lines, and the loss of personnel via population loss would…
I keep posting this but it makes me nuts how many people got the ending o the movie backwards. The people that disappeared were saved by Strange manipulating the time stone. My original post from the other 20 stupid stories on this Kotaku keeps getting wrong:
It’s blows my mind how many people watched the same film I did and got the ending completely wrong. Does anyone here think Dr.Strange really sacrificed half of the life in the universe to save a billionaire in a robot suit he just met a few hours ago and doesn’t like very much? Does anyone not notice that…
It’s blows my mind how many people watched the same film I did and got the ending completely wrong. Does anyone here think Dr.Strange really sacrificed half of the life in the universe to save a billionaire in a robot suit he just met a few hours ago and doesn’t like very much? Does anyone not notice that everyone who…
I know the clock is ticking for all of us, but to know it’s coming soon must be awful. I hope whatever time he has left is happy.
I played a little of it and liked it, I’m just waiting until I upgrade my computer to where it isn’t a slideshow and I can download the Hi-res pack. The first game wasn’t as bad as people say as a game, but the main story and protagonist were a little weak, and I’m Chicago born and raised and aside from a very small…
The man was a bigot, and a historical revisionist and the world is better off with him gone.
First of all there is no God, it’s pure fantasy followed by the weak minded. Second, I’m tired of your crybaby bullshit pretending that white people have never been suppressed, abused, mass murdered, enslaved, or had other civilizations attempt to wipe them from the Earth. Man the fuck up and solve your own problems.
I’m not sure it was the right way to go. It might be cathartic to bully them back, but now they’ll just turn it around and use it to show their base that the left is hypocritical in it’s complaints against Trump. And that may seem unimportant, but his base seemed unimportant before the election as well and we all know…
These people are freaks and terrorists and they should be rounded up and rotting in the same pits as the religious zealots were fighting.
A typical conservative reaction. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it. I hope they think hard about the dinner and how that made them feel, but they won’t
Why does everything in African American society revolve around race? He’s a serial rapist and he’s going to jail, and we don’t yet know that Weinstein won’t along with other people white or otherwise. Also, white men go to jail every day. The idea that white men have a get out of jail free card is a lie. Rich people…
No, those phones and the evidence on it exist so he can get himself out of trouble by making a plea deal by turning on former clients. Geesh, god damned amateurs around here. You never get rid of evidence of illegal activity on people you are engaged in that activity with. That’s how you get that slick get out of jail…
The losers are the trash that voted for Trump and still support him even though he’s a Russian agent and a traitor to the United States. People that voted for Trump should be treated as traitors and hauled off to CIA pits as enemy combatants.
Not a single one of them will go to jail. Trump will pardon the ones that get convicted and if it goes all the way up to Trump, Pence will pardon him in a hot second. The presidential pardon is something that needs to go. Giving the most powerful person in the country a get out of trouble free card seems counter to a…