
Not a single one of them will see a hot minute in an actual prison cell. The ones that don’t make deals will be pardoned by the president and if he’s arrested and removed from office you can bet your sweet backside Pence will pardon him before Trump’s attorney arrives. The Trump administration may be on it’s way out

Actually the act started for Americans. He’s always been abrasive, but for example, if you watch his Kitchen Nightmares episodes from the BBC, vs the American version, he is very different. Or if you watch the BBC’s The F Word, he is also hard as you sometimes have to be in a busy kitchen, but rarely if ever is

It’s really not that weird as most of the fried rice I’ve had or made had some egg in it anyway. The ketchup is a hard sell for me, but I’ll try it.

Yeah,I’m not vegetarian, but I try to eat less meat and I make taco’s out of mushrooms as well. If you mince them very finely to the texture of ground beef and cook them in a taco seasoning until all the water drains, you can hardly tell the difference between it and ground beef. Or you can do a grilled fajita style

Stop faking and get back to work. jk, feel better.

It was 30 people. let’s not give them more credit than they’re due.

I believe the solution to the far right is a military one. Simply put neo-fascist and racist organizations on the same terror list as we do Islamic terror groups, chuck them in CIA pit in Romania and put anyone that gives them, as the enemy, comfort and support in prison on federal felony charges of aiding terror

I’m so fucking sick and tired of political correctness taken to the extreme that I’m willing to embrace the idea of my own mortality and enjoy watching the world burn. The main reason is that I can’t imagine being weak enough as a human being that any of this shit would matter to me. Fuck everyone.

You are not a complete human being.

The best response we can have to a fuckwit like this is to just ignore them. They don’t matter and only post such things because they are sad and lonely people desperate for attention.

The question was presented and approved before it was asked, there’s nothing gross about it.

That’s the part I don’t get. Nobody is criticizing her, they’re criticizing the fanatic fans that treat her like she’s the greatest musician of all time when she just churns out forgettable pop R&B tracks nobody will remember 20 years from now.

That’s flat out bullshit. The irony of your post is that the only people that I know that are Beyonce fanatics are white girls and gay white men. You can side eye me all you want, because if your putting Beyonce’s average pop R7B against Billie Holliday and Aretha Franklin’s classic all time great music, I’m gonna be

No. What does that have to do with Beyonce?

Same thing for me. She looks good and a couple of her songs aren’t bad, but she’s just a pop R&B singer and somehow there’s something wrong with me if I don’t worship her? Winnie Mandela dies and nobody cares, but if you don’t like Beyonce’s music, articles will be written. Good to see people with good priorities in

I’ve never heard any of those criticisms. My only criticism is how she’s as popular as she is beyond her music. She’s a good performer and her music is all over the place. Some of it’s good, some is crap, most is middle of the road pop R&B. It reminds me of how Madonna was treated in the 80's and early 90's. She just

I wish the blue took longer in each phase. I want sneaky tactics, not an arena deathmatch shooter. Some of the changes and the desert map make these games a sniper fest. I have no dinners and about 3 dozen 2nd place finishes and tons of top ten because some guy with a Kar98 head shots me because they got the last

Didn’t know you could do non lethal takedowns and you forgot the game takes place in a simulation? Prepped really hard for this article, eh? jk ;)

You killed the captain of someone’s soul for nothing, you heartless monster.

She deserves what she gets. Does it surprise anyone that a pro-athlete is cheating on the mother of his child? The part I don’t get is why these guys try to have serious relationships when they’re younger anyway. Have fun and enjoy the attention, I sure as shit would. But now you’re going to have another busted