
Oh yes, it’s all in the Animus! I feel better now. Thank you.

We should have let them go the first time.

I think a good argument against Lohan’s argument is that I’ve played through this video game four times over the years, encountered Lacey Jonas each time, and am only just now learning that she and the bikini-wearing woman in that art is meant to be the same person.

I think we can all agree that NBA referees generally need to chill out with the techs and ejections, and that no basketball game is improved by having one of the best players in the world removed from it because he got mad.

Well yes, it’s very uncouth to talk about the size of a woman’s dong.

“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.”

Funny Micheal Jackson had 20 and people still believe he didn’t do it lmfao.

I’m with you all the way except for this part, “ . . .anyone that immediately jumps to the defense of the men and women accused of sexual misconduct do so because they have likely done it themselves and don’t want to see there be actual consequences for their acts.” I disagree. I think it’s far more likely that people

I wish I could give this more stars!

Five bucks says Karen didn’t go to an Ivy League and is super defensive about it.

Guess its (sic) unpopular response time:

Yes, esports are sports. So is golf for that matter, even though its boring.

“You prepare. You compete. You win or lose. You evaluate. You reevaluate. You re-prepare. You recompete. That’s what life’s about. Getting yourself better and better, and doing it against competition that’s demanding. I think that’s a real value which student athletes in the traditional sports are getting. I’m not

Yes he is.

“Dear Dr. Nerdlove ... I’m thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend because he’s distant and seems uninterested in me. The way I see it, I’ve got two options: 1. sit down with him and have an open, face-to-face conversation. 2. Write him a note, use google to translate it to Filipino, and then hand-convert that to

This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who

I tend to agree with you. If you are a teen, or twenty something that has all the time in the world to play games, awesome. If your out of college and working and possibly raising a family it would be nice to have an option to at least have general objective areas pointed out. If you want the hardcore experience,

I don’t get it, what’s wrong with her having a baby with Travis Scott?

I hate to break it to you since you’re so clearly upset, but teen pregnancy and std rates are very low. There will always be a few stupid people that fuck up, but let’s not get hysterical and pretend there is some epidemic of teen pregnancy, people are having kids later in life than ever before.

The problem with VR is the cost. Even with the price drop in the VIVE, I still have to buy that, and shell out a few hundred dollars for a new graphics card. If I could get into VR for 300 dollars total tomorrow, I would and I suspect many others would as well.