
Fuck you, racist bitch. If you were being shot at you’d be running for your life. Fake ass poser.

When is America going to label these groups as the terrorists they are and round them up? This is not a point of view, or a political party, and this isn’t a free speech issue. This is a terrorist group that seeks to kill American citizens and destroy the United States. Time to drop them in a CIA pit in Romania and

Call me when black people show up to vote in this country, because if they did we’d never elect a republican president again. As far as asking Obama to do anything, no, we’ll ask Sanders , Warren, and Newsome. Obama is only a hop and a skip away from being a republitard himself. I’m not asking him or you to do

I don’t see a single thing in this article that has to do with liberalism. It’s a dumb article about oversensitive nerds that need to toughen up if they are going to compete with each other and if they expect to be taken seriously as a sport.

Wow, dumb just keeps setting new records. I know you nerds just discovered this thing called sports, but if waving bye bye to an opponent you are about to smoke is too much for you, then sit the fuck down. You’re too thin skinned and weak to accomplish anything in life. And whatever you do, don’t watch any sporting

I don’t feel 1% sorry for him. It’s no different for any sport. The best players always get the most hate, especially outside of their home crowds. If you want to be in pro-sports of any kinds you either need to be able to handle it, or find something else to do. The end of the day truth is that it doesn’t matter

If there is a demand there will be people to fill it. Animosity between light skinned and dark skinned African Americans isn’t a myth.

Yawn, D&D is a living stereotype of all cultures. It does nothing interesting with European and Asian based civilizations either, and Chult isn’t the only area of the forgotten realms with people of color. All the white parts of the forgotten realms are is a mixing pot full of every imaginable piece of European

LOL! Wow, what a shocker to nobody at all. Bioware is next so don’t act surprised when it happens. EA and its clueless leadership strike again.

More imbalanced crap for a broken imbalanced game with no AI.

Riiiiiiight, I’m sure dog and child killing is rampant among our border patrol units. Are you just simple or do you have some birth defect?

Right, because right wing assholes never lump people together into irrational categories. Conservatives are wrong on most issues, greedy, racist, and vile people. I’ve never met one that wasn’t and no matter what conservatives say, I’ve never met one that wasn’t racist. Even one’s that seem okay at first start with

So he’s damaged for reporting people that are violating federal immigration law?

So we should just have open borders? No other nation in the world does that. I’m a Sanders socialist and I think he is in the right. We don’t owe citizenship to anyone and if people are coming here illegally then they need to be deported and/or imprisoned. I don’t believe that someone will be a law abiding US citizen

I’m all for immigration and possibly some form of amnesty for those already here, especially those that have children born here, but we can’t just allow unchecked illegal immigration from anywhere. If you come here legally welcome, if you violate our borders and break our laws to get here illegally, then you go to

What’s going on? They were losing and they lost. Anyone “rockin” to that’s a moron.

Meh, Dusty did more for the Cubs than anyone before him in 80 years. He was a few outs away from a world series and gave Cubs fans some great years. I’m not gonna hate on the guy. And it wasn’t Dusty that melted down, it was the Nat’s pitching staff and their so-called star hitters.

All religion is poison. It should be treated as a mental illness, not a right.

And where do we rank the Latino and African American men that murder each other and people of other races in the streets daily across America? Do we separate those because it’s one or two people at a time? I would guess that mass shootings aside, white on black murder vs. black on black murder victim stats in this

I’m not sending shit to a demographic of people that now need health care but overwhelmingly vote to deny it to others, and I’m not going to hold a candlelight vigil for a demographic that thinks every American should walk around armed like their own little army. You reap what you sow, and these people have been