
Marriage is declining because people are smart enough to know it’s nothing more than an ancient form of slavery mixed with primitive religious beliefs. Marriage is idiotic and has nothing to do with men or women. You should spend as much time with someone as you want. If you want to spend your life with one partner,

It’s not celebs taking a paycheck for anything. Shaq owns a pro e-sports team, and Lynch is a massive gaming nerd. You should see the videos he did for Clueless Gamer with Conan Obrian. They put money into the team, they didn’t take it out. Jesus fuck I hate the constant cynicism from ignorant assholes.

Wrong, this is exactly what e-sports needs to grow to a mainstream audience. Without more recognizable faces promoting it, the crowd will always be limited. There’s a reason we have things called sponsorships. Never underestimate the power of celebrity and how far people will go to get interested in whatever their

“they rob, fight and steal their way across the vast and rugged heart of America in order to survive.” Sounds fun, but kinda sad that the majority of people that survived it and didn’t have to do any of those things don’t get a game.

Is there a way to see this other than Crunchy Roll? I already skipped Star Trek because I’m sick of everything being behind a paywall.

Heretic. Do yourself a favor and watch the original film. IMHO it is the greatest sci-fi film of all time and it holds up perfectly to this day as long as you ignore the dates.

Probably, but their platform for VR is the VIVE. I’d stay the hell away from a Rift until the lawsuit is over and done.

As someone who was a high school freshman in 1990 and lived in 3 different states during high school, thin eyebrows weren’t a thing. I’ve got no idea where you heard that but I am available for any 1990's knowledge you may need. Also, you really should make use of the tutorials out there for rpg maker, especially in

No clue what you’re on about, you can most definitely sell RPG Maker games, that’s literally the whole reason for it to exist. Also, the word you’re looking for is “veil”.

A racing mode where the wall constantly comes from behind you and you have to be the last driver/team left alive would be awesome. It should move fast enough to discourage people from going on foot.

I tend to agree with you. If you are a teen, or twenty something that has all the time in the world to play games, awesome. If your out of college and working and possibly raising a family it would be nice to have an option to at least have general objective areas pointed out. If you want the hardcore experience,

It’s her body and her choice, but there’s no reason we can’t talk about it. Let’s not pretend like this is a private family, they are literally the biggest attention seekers around.

I don’t get it, what’s wrong with her having a baby with Travis Scott?

I hate to break it to you since you’re so clearly upset, but teen pregnancy and std rates are very low. There will always be a few stupid people that fuck up, but let’s not get hysterical and pretend there is some epidemic of teen pregnancy, people are having kids later in life than ever before.

The problem with VR is the cost. Even with the price drop in the VIVE, I still have to buy that, and shell out a few hundred dollars for a new graphics card. If I could get into VR for 300 dollars total tomorrow, I would and I suspect many others would as well.

There’s nothing surprising here. He was a scumbag in life and a scumbag in death. I’d love to see how much of that money really made it to the kids and families that needed it and how much went into lewis and friends bank accounts.

Yeah, GOW was an idiotic pick. It wouldn’t even crack the top 100 of games released in the 2000's. Morrowind, Deus Ex, GTA3, Oblivion, POrtal, HL2, Bioshock, the list goes on. And if we are talking most influential game of the 2000's, despite the fact that I hate it, the award would go hands down to World of Warcraft.

In terms of being a good game, no. In terms of lasting impact on the gaming industry, yeah I can see it.

In terms of being a great game, it wouldn’t crack the top 10 for me personally, but in terms of it’s effect on the industry I can see it. But you completely lost me on Gears of War being the game of the 2000's, that’s laughable by any metric. On top of being a series primarily only played on XBox, it wasn’t very good.

I can’t imagine having a sense of humor gland broken enough to think that anything more than 1-4% of what is on SNL is actually funny. It’s like someone trying to tell me I can get the best hotdog I’ve ever had from the gas station. Just no.