Isn’t it just “iBooks” not, “iBookstore”.
Isn’t it just “iBooks” not, “iBookstore”.
Yeah, but then you have vodka. I’d take bourbon over vodka any day, even paid bourbon over free vodka.
You. Are. A. Fucking. Genius!
Holy blast from the past batman. I might as well update, his remote is now 9+ years old and still going strong. My own 650 is now about 4 years old and still in good working order (aside from the 8 button) even after my dog chewed on it a bit.
The “8” button on mine no longer works. Which is a pain in the ass. But now I just go to 679 then up to what channel I wanted in the first place.
Congrats, I’m expecting my first next February.
You can’t beat adulthood into an 18-year old.
And you could clearly hear his teammates yelling “Harp Harp Harp!” That probably helped to tip him off that something was up.
Why is everyone against the back of the plane? It gets you where you are going in the same time as the front.
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X is cancel, because, X. Like when you close out a window in Windows, you click the X.
That VC money is going to good use, for sure!
I save all my personal project stuff in privately hosted Git Repositories. This gives me total control over backups and security of my code.
You say you can't wait for the comments about the using your hands for 10 minutes. But you aren't allowed to stay in bed or use a screen. How am I supposed to do that with both of those items removed from the equation? One or the other, fine, but both?! With these rules I will surely remain the master of my domain.
If you're asking this question today, won't you just buy it tomorrow?… Click "See Where We're Currently Driving"
*Hits anything but the catchers glove. Caught fly-balls are also traded out.
No you haven't. It is quite rare that a team scores on themselves during a delayed penalty. You are thinking of the end of a one-goal game when the goaltender is pulled and the opposing team puts in an empty netter.
Personal Seat License. Fancier term for, buying the rights to buy season tickets.
Rent is going up no matter what. This guy cranking his heat is offset by the guy down the hall who loves the cold and keeps his heat set at a balmy 60 all winter.