
While that is somewhat true. When he keeps his apartment to 90˚ all winter long, his rent doesn't magically double, like his heating bill would.

It bothers me that the colors make no sense. Should have done the colors by the Pokemon's type.

My nips are taped up before every run, else my post-run shower is nothing but a terribly burning experience.

I had to restart the game twice, losing all my progress both times, because I decided to link to facebook. After linking the two together, FIFA asks me to make a recovery question, which they then say was unsuccessful, and the questions process restarts in an infinite loop. Only way to fix it is to delete the app and

The Clippers and Lakers and Kings do not have the same ownership, just the same building.

Yes. They pretty much just take the coupon value off, so long as you are buying the right product (buying Colgate with a Colgate coupon).

Damn, it certainly was.

They are good, we use the book they mail us when we shop there. But it's also nice to know that I can go through the Sunday paper and take any of those coupons with me as well.

BJ's accepts ALL coupons, not just "BJ's Coupons". So that is nice.

Its a constant scan, we are talking a couple of mAh of power to ping the light sensor, it is barely even touching the battery life. Its all software. FLUX adjusts the color temperature of the display, more so than it does the brightness.

No, that is not correct at all. There is a light sensor near the front camera that is constantly checking light levels (while the screen is on) and it adjusts based on that. Its just an issue when you are in a weird in between spot, or when you want it dim for just a few minutes (movie theater is a great example).

Pretty cool tip. Took the time to set it up, since I wasn't using triple tap anyway I'm not losing anything by adding it.

I ran from a State Trooper once, and got away. I was driving home from school pushing triple digits in pre-rush hour congestion, lots of lane changes going on. As I came around a curve popping in and out of some 18-wheelers I saw the trooper sitting in the median. At this point I knew I had two options, stop and wait

Oh, that certainly makes it easier. The internet was barely a thing back then.

Well hey, if it works for you, more power to you.

If I might ask, what industry are you in? Mine is technology, and my area is fairly interconnected.

I'm always tempted to do that, but...what happens when they actually call references, that one time.

I pay for gas with cash everytime I have cash on me. In the past 10 years of driving, I think I paid with cash twice.

Can't pick up a teammate, use a teammate to jump off of to get more height (blocking kicks), or pull a teammate forward. You can however push a teammate forward. Why you can push but not pull is unknown to even the writers of the rule book.

There actually is one, a co-worker of mine went searching for one, one day. It was reversed italics (leaning left instead of right). Was fairly humorous when a bunch of us installed it on our computer, and used it selectively in group emails with the bossman. We all got the joke, he had no clue.