
There absolutely are grounds for a lawsuit here, for a few reasons; Truth in Lending Act, for example.

This is not true. The trade-in is a part of the contract of buying the new vehicle, unless you explicitly sold your vehicle to them for cash, and then used that to buy a new vehicle. This would be very uncommon because.. why would you do that?

Really, you have never found anything like that little watering hole area? I want to say that I have. You have to stick around the area for a while for that many creatures to show up.

I don’t believe we will see another game do this for a long time, excluding pure MMO’s. NMS did something that will genuinely cause a bittersweet feeling the day it retires. 

That’s one way to take it.

You’re not wrong, but toilets at home don’t have this massive jet spray to prevent clogs. In some cases, they are quite low pressure and so I doubt any aerosolized poop water even escapes.

Massive doubt. But I wonder what excuse Elon will use when 2023 rolls by with something like 1000 total trucks sold?

Lol comments like this are weird.

Do people actually believe these computers can determine actual best-case scenario? It’s always going to be estimated best case scenario, but still extremely variable.

How about we wait a bit for assuming it will be bad?

Would it surprise anyone if this is the exact same prototype that was shown 3+ years ago or whenever it was? Because it feels like it is.

I mean, if we’re being honest, the kids getting sick still isn’t the issue. There are only some ~400 < 17 year olds that have died from covid. That isn’t for lack of becoming infected.

...what? If anything, nobody is even arguing here. Everything is AGREEING. You are intentionally changing the observed discussion to make it appear as something it is not.

Uh, well this is Google after all.

I own a Nest Doorbell (wired), and it’s a fantastic doorbell. I’ve never had a single issue (outside of Nest services itself going down/offline) but I’ve heard others complain about Ring, etc.

Well, it’s also possible that the trailer is chopped up inconsistently to how the movie actually pans out.

Does that matter?

Considering he’s a bounty hunter, capturing fugitives, and assuming they are being enslaved, the name works.

This might be controversial, but without knowing any demographic information about that final 13%, you cannot blanket statement call it a “very big risk of natural selection.”

I don’t understand why you would purchase this over an Xbox elite controller