
A quick reverse image lookup on that image shows that it is NOT who is behind that account. 

Late update to your dipshit response, but here goes:

Some people may have it enabled. I have 2 friends, one with a Pixel 2 XL and another S8, both on sprint, both have RCS capabilities.

Its absolutely worth more than $1 a month. It's even worth the full $5 (for now).

I don’t know where you live, but I haven’t lost a single right in 30 years based on a loss of digital privacy.

“they don’t have anything you aren’t freely giving out” isn’t entirely true.

Bullshit. You don’t have to care about politics.

He gotta get something big.

This means that the Squidward suicide is canon in the SpongeBob multiverse.

Am I the only one that doesn’t hear the word “butt” at all? Even with the bias of being told they say the word butt, i don’t hear it whatsoever.

He got shows canceled, went through a massive demonitization situation, etc.

Well if the word “nigga” wasn’t so engrained in society as an ok word to use, as shown by being in all kinds of rap music, tv shows, personal conversations, etc.

What is a southern city?

Where I work now, when uncleared enter the floor, it’s announced to everyone in their office room and we have to close doors. It’s so annoying because it happens at least once an hour.

Yeah, that too.


Honest question, what is the fear for going to HR? If you have properly documented everything and your management is being hostile, isn’t that what HR is for?

Yeah Twitch should be fine with this.


PUBG. One time I missed a shot on a guy and killed someone 800m behind him with a HS. It confused the entire crap out of me until I watched my replay.