Jered Mayer

I had this takeaway, too. This movie has a LOT to say about a LOT of things, but I definitely thought Harper working her way through her grief, how her trauma defined her, the responsibility she took on (and needed to slough off) from her boyfriend’s death was one of the most interesting throughlines, and it’s really

Thank Christ you're not reviewing the rest of the show.

Definitely check out "Beast."

This movie is underrated and often times a bit unpredictable. I don't think it needs a sequel, but with the same writing team, I'm curious as to what will be.

It makes sense, but large parts are more allegorical than literal.

Revival is so damn good.

They could just make a Spider-Girl/Spider-Woman film with Anya Corazon and

Pretty sure they’re calling him Gargantos, but that he’ll be Shuma-Gorath in all but name, it. a transdimensional threat as opposed to a sea monster.

Fun fact: in his AMA the other day, he mentioned that he gave that jacket to Laura Dern after wrap.

They're from Face/Off, which I highly recommend.

Whatever my personal beliefs are, and my feelings on if Rock deserved it (I love him, but he did), this is absolutely accurate. Back in the day, we settled shit with fistfights. This SHOULD be settled between Rock and Smith but if not, the case is there.

I watched this movie for the first time recently (December, I think), and I had an absolute blast with it. Is it good? No. Is it fun? Your mileage may vary, but I thought so. Jason Patric isn’t Keanu Reeves, but he has his own on-screen charm. Sandra Bullock was underwritten pretty badly, but WILLEM DAFOE. Willem is

1. Because not everyone thought Dieter was annoying. I was quite fond, actually.

There are answers to your questions in the film.

I actually LOVE The Incredible Hulk, but I also love Ant-Man, so we’re at an impasse, sir.

1. The Darjeeling Limited

It was intended to be one complete film, and I feel it definitely works better with both parts watched back to back.

It wasn't an argument. You said "I wonder x" and they posted a thoughtful response. "Not much, because y." If anything, they were being nicer to you than your response was to them.

I think what’s crazy is that they teased a crossover in the trailers for this show, and you have spent weeks in your reviews where one of your complaints is about how they’re standalone episodes and don’t seem to be crossing over only to complain now that it has laid that cross-over out. It’s like you’ve actively

Technically, you're correct. Prometheus was a prequel.