A shout out to Root's ties, but not Della's hats?? For shame.
This is obviously ridiculous, but I genuinely would not fight Mickey Rourke.
I was as blown away by the second game as I was the first. I think it makes a perfect duology with the first game, and the ending left me feeling hollowed out but ultimately satisfied. Hope you feel the same once you've finished, although if you've been enjoying it so far, I'm sure you probably will.
TLOU2 replaced TLoU as my favorite game, but I definitely hit the midway point and when that narrative shift happened, I immediately messaged my friend and said, "Naughty Dog has some serious balls for some of these story choices." I can understand why some people would be deterred or taken aback, but I absolutely…
While I had played (and spent even more time watching it played) FFVII before, FFIX was the first one I played all the way through, and I was absolutely in love with everything about it. The characters, the humor, the set pieces, the INCREDIBLE FMV action sequences (Alexander vs Bahamut, Vivi saving the day, the…
It does not at all. Horizon does have some bummer moments, but they're not on the same level and it's filled more with feelings of wonder and adventure.
The Last of Us 1 was my favorite game. Played it a dozen times over, watched it played a dozen more. So to say I had high expectations for TLoU2 would be an understatement.
Except Manny looks like his voice actor, Alejandro Edda, and all of the superhero/villain cards seem to be ND employees, since others are sharing their cards. But okay.
I'm pretty sure all of the superhero/villain cards are ND employees, considering others have been posting "their" cards.
Comparing a revenge story to a HOLOCAUST story IS tasteless, though. There are significantly better ways to say a game’s depiction of violence and revenge is miserable or hard to swallow.
I only played The Order: 1886 once years ago, didn't like the controls, thought it was too short. But I LOVED the story and the art direction enough that even now I think about it probably once a month.
Spider-Man, Horizon, and Deathloop are must-buys for me. Especially the latter. Between the Dishonored series, Prey, and Wolfenstein: Youngblood, I'm behind that studio forever, and Deathloop looks stylish as hell.
Final Fantasy IX was my first FF that I played all the way through, and I still love it, so that's my recommendation.
I think the part that scared me the most I’m Cloverfield is when Lizzy Caplan says she doesn’t feel well, and they turn around to see her bleeding from the eyes. I got shivers bad out of that.
This is a fucking terrible review. Half of your gripes are things that were established during the show. Things like the fact this show had a 6 season arc apparently planned, which is why they teased a host Ed Harris at the end of S2 and why Halores wound up going that route (William still has clout among the business…
Also, the William showing up as “dead.” In the very next scene with these characters, they talk about how a number of other missing people became listed as dead because they had been moved to that facility. So while it may turn out that he actually did die and was replaced with a host leading to the S2 after credits,…
Just finished it, so maybe I’ve got new-episode-rose-lenses on but despite some things being predictable (I’ve had a feeling Caleb killed his friend from episode 1 or 2), I thought a lot of this episode was fine, even good.
I was going to say, Gotham did it really well. DKR was okay as a NML adaptation (I do love that movie, though).