Jered Mayer

1. His birth name is Thanos. Because that literally is what his mother called him when he was born. Reading comprehension is still important.

Someone I care about very much left to be with someone she doesn’t particularly enjoy being with some 3,800 miles away. I watched this episode the day after. So. I loved it, but it was very bittersweet.

Horizon: The first time you stumble across a T-Rex. The first time you go into a Vault.

I know it’s considered socially improper to plug your own stuff, but if you’re looking for something to read on Kindle, check out Read in Denver. It isn’t on sale ($7.99) but it comes with a free soundtrack on Spotify, and I think it’s a sound read.

I know it’s considered socially improper to plug your own stuff, but if you’re looking for something to read on

I’m an (aspiring, self-published) novelist and poet, and I occasionally like to post thoughtful articles and opinion pieces on news and pop culture.

Every time I roll my eyes at a film being described as “too smart for audiences”, I’m going to remind myself this happened.

Even if I’m ever fortunate enough to find myself pretty well-off financially, I don’t see myself dressing in something other than, say, a T-shirt, jeans and sneaks. Unless I’m on a date, obviously.

Please just... watch Inside Llewyn Davis. Between Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, and the soundtrack, you’re in for a good time. The song they perform together...that might make your decision for you either way.

Oh, man. Thanks for remaining me. I’ll reiterate a comment I made when it happened:

I’m not related to John, but I’m not above calling him my asshole sex fiend cousin for free drinks.

I don’t know why this made me laugh, but it did. I once kissed a girl at a bar once before either of us got too drunk and wandered our separate ways. Ran into her a month later. “KEVIN!” “Well, Jered, but you were close.”

Sir is a terrible name and Beyonce is overrated. There. I said it. Jesus, that’s been weighing on me.

Aw, c’mon, man. It was hard enough watching it.

That’s why you put a fake name on it, with the return address being a mall of some kind.

The only one of these I had heard was Feel It Still, which I like. I’m surprised by how much I like Malibu, too.

I was being obnoxious, but your answer is good and proper.

Was his name always supposed to be Pawel, or did someone in the maternity ward relay “Paul” in a New Jersey accent?

I have been ardently supportive of The Last Jedi in the comments sections here because I LOVE it. Probably my 3rd favorite SW flick. I’m going to see it again with my girlfriend this week.

When I was very young, my dad and I were driving... somewhere. I think between Anchorage and Palmer or Wasilla, because he was dating a woman out there that worked for a local news station. Anyway, I really had to pee, so we pulled off to the side of the road (if you’ve been to Alaska, this makes sense), and trekked

I read this as “little chickens”, and I scoffed, “There’s no way he would settle for LITTLE chickens”, and then re-read it. “OH, children? Yeah, for sure he would.”