
He’s a transparent, Ayn Rand worshipping jackass. His neighbor didn’t punch him hard enough. 

Can someone point me to someone else who doesn’t know about Budweiser. Not to sound harsh but a Budweiser Superbowl ad is just throwing away money.

The issue is that people don’t know a vaccine exists, it’s that they don’t know things like:

It’s not only about knowing the vaccine exists, it’s about vaccine education and debunking false claims about the vaccine so that more people choose to get it.

The vaccines are being provided for free. Budweiser doesn’t need to fund copays.

Now, helping with distribution once Biden gets things rolling, that might be helpful.

I still find it stunning that so many people are anti-anti-fascism. That literally makes them fascists. 

It’s funny how they’re pro-life until they’re beating a cop to death with a fire extinguisher. 

They started it as soon as her name became public. White privilege may have gotten her in to the Capital, but it sure as shit didn’t make her bulletproof.

And we get to see Trump lose AGAIN every time some boot licking GOP congressperson objects to a state’s electoral votes.

Dems take the Senate and vote certification on the same day? Better than Christmas.

I will personally work to defeat every single Republican Senator/Congressman

if you took “Rafael Warnock” out of the first sentence and replaced it with any white man’s name, that white man would win in an absolute landslide, in fact there wouldn’t even be a runoff in early January because random white man with all of those qualifications would already have won outright. All of these

Rafael Warnock is a man of God, born and raised in Georgia, who, like many other people who were born and raised with Georgia values, lives by the teachings of Jesus Christ, including protecting the vulnerable...something that is critical as Georgians continue to struggle with this pandemic. Kelly Loeffler is a

This interview is a nice present from the Root.

And these are the muthafuckas we're supposed to be extending an olive branch to?

Remember when we thought this would be over by summer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I’m in IT as well and 50% of my job is googling stuff. It’s ridiculous.

I’m an IT person and I couldn’t do my job if I couldn’t look shit up. Even in the pre-internet days I’d have a bookshelf full of books to look shit up in. Nobody should waste time memorizing things that would be better spent understanding underlying fundamentals. 

I’ve taken professional certification exams that were friggen open internet. Because in your day to day like you’re going to be able to Google something, and the test cared a lot more about how you used what you found to inform your decision making.

Redesign the fucking tests to be open book you morons. Memorization is not learning.