
We have been taught by the elite to view anything affordable with disdain and problematic when the underclass make it popular. This sandwich is yet another symbol of the small pleasures we seek that become an albatross when we are openly shamed for obtaining them.

I was wondering why the stuffing looked so pink (and icky) because nothing in the ingredients was red or pink. Then I realized they were uncooked. Why not post a picture of the final product?

Dad’s ninja flip, tho....

Jesus, as a fellow tall girl, I can’t even imagine what someone’s body would look like and how they would function at 6'2" and 115 pounds. I’m glad she got treatment, and I hope the road gets easier for her. Also, this was really well stated, thanks for posting it. I’m a tall woman who struggles with my weight in a

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The NYT link puts the video behind their paywall, but the Times also posted it on YouTube, so if anyone wants to watch it they can:

All pies are beautiful in their own way. Meat pies are damn special, though. 

The original draft had a pretty excellent joke about Chicago deep dish pizza, but my editors took it out. They don’t want me starting a holy war. 

I use thighs for just about everything else, but chicken cutlets for parm are always thinly slice chicken breasts. I was trying to get as close as I could to replicating the classic flavor of a great chicken parm hero. 

Which brings us back to the age old question: what is a sandwich?

Melania is the third wife of a wealthy man with a history of adultery and sexual abuse. She knows exactly where she stands, and so do we.

And just like Fyre fest, I have no sympathy for those who were swindled.

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

Oh the fun of being a woman. If we do complain we get called Karen in a millisecond. If we don’t complain we get jack all and get blamed for not complaining. Do I need to point out the irony?

Not only that, a ton of bars in Chicago stopped ordering from them and are getting rid of their existing supply for cheap. They got hit big time and they deserve it. 

“...crazier than the shit I got on my head.”

This is what it looks like when you give a rural police force Army equipment and no reason to use it.

The city is wrong for that.

Holeee shit.

Where do you shop, the 1950's? The stores I shop in have a meat counter and a cheese area, but they certainly don’t have actual butchers who know anything.

Nah, I’d argue that Yelp should stay, but cut out the reviews.

I travel a lot for work, and Yelp is far better than Google Maps at listing all restaurants or bars (frequently, I have to zoom all the way in on the map for Google to show every place). Plus, I have a better chance of finding menus on Yelp.