I still won’t applaud Papa John’s nor Mr. O’Neal.
I still won’t applaud Papa John’s nor Mr. O’Neal.
I’m guessing you don’t have children. I’m a doctor, and I have posted pictures of me and my family on social media; for whatever reason, many of my patients get comfort from seeing me in a different context.
You do realize you actually are NOT compelled to follow people the internet social media spaces, don’t you
People who talk about the “gay agenda” are ignorant homophobes, so there’s no way they could bring themselves to accept any of the very reasonable things you just said
I think that’s fair. I took issue with OP’s “celebs post about their kids to build their brand and NO OTHER REASON”. Yea some celebs do that but not all of them.
Here’s a novel idea - don't follow these people on social media and mind your own got-damn business. Problem solved.
To quote the formerly unflappable Jay-Z
Let’s be clear here, the only reason celebrities post about their children is to monetize their brands by gaining followers.
I still never understand this whole “gay agenda” shit because gay men are still men. One man being romantically attracted to another man doesn’t magically make them into a woman or not “masculine”. Masculinity is an undefinable concept anyway, which shifts depending on context and era, so even talking about it is an…
Don’t do this. That is disingenuous af. The issue is people attacking DWade and Gabby and a child. This isn’t about cloutchasing or the rampant use of social media. That’s another issue.
There is zero reason for them to constantly post pics of the children online.
Grown men were talking about putting hands on a child. The Thunburg situation isn’t about a teenager not being able to handle criticism. It’s about grown men having a sick obsession with dominating young women. GTFOH
Both Gabrielle and Dwayne already have enough money. I don’t believe they’re doing it to “monetize their brand” but rather shine light on acceptance and love. There’s nothing wrong with having a opinion but some people are using theirs to attack a child. The world has enough kids committing suicide due to their…
There are many benefits that come from minding your own business. Your skin clears up, your hair flourishes and you feel lighter as a result from not having to carry the weight of things that don’t concern you. With all these benefits, it amazes me that people don’t mind the business that pays them.
How many young black men couldn’t get a job because they were arrested for a little weed?
We need to pass a law police records cannot be expunged from public record if it involves a death.
He killed an innocent person over being loud huh. Be tormented, asshat.
Agree, this seems like a typical empty excuse people make when defending themselves similar to calling someone jealous or crazy.