
I think the Goldman family have always shown a class about this that I simply wouldn’t possess. O.J. Simpson nearly decapitated their son and they are kind enough to just say “I don’t care what OJ Simpson wants”. My response would have been much more rage filled.

A Duggar on birth control! It really is true that every cloud has a silver lining.

don’t you mean wombmen?

What they won’t say but believe “They should have married a rich guy who can afford to fly them to another country to have a secret abortion, like I do with all my mistresses.”

She has put in her time as Speaker of the House

And the whole bit where white rural Ohioans kept their food stamps waiver while the urban Ohioans did not!

You know it's slim pickings when people look back wistfully at the Mitt Romney days.

I notice the NYT’s didn’t point out that she was well behind Dick Cheney in calling for legalizing same sex marriage.

They endorsed Kasich? Oh sure, he’s SUPER reasonable, as long as you completely ignore his efforts to roll back reproductive rights for women.

A woman needs a man like a fish needs another fish on a bike to keep bumping into it

I am an alum of Clarion (if she’s talking about the uni in PA)! And I love Octavia. She was amazing and made a girl who loved sci fi feel included when she read about people that looked like her. She left us too soon!

Jared was the white bread of teen show boyfriends.


Does Lauren Graham age? Serious question.

They're all ten years older, do you think they'll still have the stamina to trade clever quips back and forth as quickly?

Octavia Butler is fantastic. After a recommendation for her work on a Gawker Review of Books post from about 18 months ago, I finally went out and started reading her. I’m so glad I did.

My mother, who graduated from high school in 1959, always said that scene depressed her. They get into their Chevy, fly off into the clouds, “...and they think everything is going to be great.”

And honestly maybe the whole thing is a virgin suicide situation. Frenchie definitely ended things with a hair dryer in a bath tub after she failed out of beauty school. I mean that song is for sure her dying. Rizzo probably really was pregnant but didn’t have any access to a safe abortion option and died trying to

Stockard Channing is ageless. Mainly because I think she's perfect.

So many jokes and references sailed right over my little head...