
I am currently in the midst of a very high risk pregnancy. I also had a “missed miscarriage” at almost three months. The miscarriage was totally traumatizing on every level, but the one blessing was that the D&C I had to have was performed by my longtime OB. If- goddess forbid - I find myself carrying a baby with a

I hated Skipper and her massive, flat feet and cankles. And I hated Barbie and her ridiculously tiny ankles and tiptoed tiny feet. So I ignored them for the most part except when I got together with my friends to stage Ken-Barbie-Skipper group sex orgies, or to cut their hair and dye it with food colouring.

ew god I just threw up in my mouth a little

Thank you for that last line. That is the truth of truths. It might not be all men, but it is all women.

I’ve had reasonable men who consider themselves feminist allies not understand this concept. Male privilege is super strong.

Is putting razor blades in your ponytail entirely out of the question?

I don’t think that (legit) nice guys have any idea how aggressive other men can be. I certainly don’t maintain friendships with any guy who would ever harass women out in public; my guy friends are all respectful adults. When they hear how bad some guys can be, it just literally doesn’t compute for them — they can’t

ew ew ew. :( what the fuck makes anyone think shit like this is acceptable?

The whole “I’m married” or “I have a boyfriend” thing feels icky to me. It’s certainly safer than “ew, no thanks”, but it shouldn’t be necessary. I’m married, but I could still choose to dance with someone else. Or maybe I’m not married, and I’m still not obligated to dance with somebody I don’t want to dance with.

did he get all huffy that you “couldn’t take a joke/compliment” after? I feel like that happens a lot when we have to stand up for ourselves because these type of assholes don’t understand boundaries and appropriate work behavior.

I just don’t see what he could possibly get out of accusing you of lying! Either you aren’t lying, and you really are married, and you’re ~off the market~ and he should leave you alone. Or you are lying, and you’re still clearly not interested, and he still doesn’t win. Just let it go, douchebag! :(

That’s when you have to suggest the devil’s threesome. If that doesn’t get rid of them, nothing will.

I just threw up in my mouth a little. Jesus christ tapdancing on a cracker. WTF drives some people to talk to others like this. I mean, honestly, is there no dignity and respect for others, or has entitlement become the law of the land?

They were not punished. Anytime a police officer fires his weapon that officer is placed on leave until the investigation into the shooting is completed.

Newsflash for you.......

So fucking sick of men with guns who can’t take “no” for an answer.

Shit. It only took 3 minutes.

“why not be honest and just tell them you’re not interested??”

Stuff like THIS is what it means to be an honestly good person. He is enacting change for the forgotten who don’t have a voice.

I love senior year Obama

On the one hand, great news! On the other hand, OMFG JUVENILES WERE BEING PUT IN SOLITARY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?