
So, they are victims of their parents’ religious abuses but the moment they became 18 they were supposed to magically shed their indoctrination, recognize that their entire upbringing was abusive and wrong, and have the strength to speak out about it? Sure, it would be great if that happened but these girls have been

So the next time you run into another one of those ungrateful little millennial twats who say “I don’t need feminism”, slap her upside the head with a copy of this book. Then remind her just how recently it was that women had to fight for the basics that she takes for granted.

My body was essentially toxic after giving birth because I was on a ventilator with a million IVs and God know what sedatives, antibotics, and other drugs coursing through my veins. The first day I was able to communicate I asked a nurse (I was in ICU) if I could breastfeed. She smiled and patted my arm and told me to

A million stars for the phrase “fuckgiraffes”

Formula is not evil. Yes, there are risks to formula feeding but it’s certainly not poison. I’m sure those same people would have freaked out if you carried on breastfeeding past the age of 2.

I get that. I have vegan friends with children. I am just trying to grasp what the hell is going on here, and what these fuckgiraffes were doing to their baby.

Ugh. Well, if we have to. We'll make Manhattan deal with it, those pretentious bastards

As the parent of kids in this age bracket, I am printing out your reply and reciting it as my mantra when I arise in the morning and when I go to bed at night:

As a Latina from Miami, I thought white = Jewish until I went to college and then realized Jewish people are seen as a minority by everyone else. I was dying last night when I heard Cruz (go back to Canada, bro). Still shocks me that anti-Semitism is a for-real thing. “money and the media”— seriouslY!?!

Same here. And just recently I was doing population research. Just 2.2% of the US is Jewish. I was floored. I feel like I must know 80% of them.

Ah, but at least you can have Moose Drool Brown Ale. That’s good shit.

I’m going to expand your bagel to deli. But still Jewish.

Obviously I wasn’t alone in this, but when I listen to the sound bites this morning my first though was “Did he just call it ‘Jew York’”?

Agree, but a lot of people have more class in their pinkie finger than that group of miscreants.

I know, I remember someone somewhere saying that she’d married up and another person responded, “he married an internationally renowned human rights lawyer, he’s the one who married up.” Still true.

Amal has more class in her pinkie finger than the entire group of republican nominees combined. I just want to sit somewhere with her and have a glass of wine

I like to think it’s Obama being Obama.

I am glad that both you and your husband train with your firearm. I have been working with my young boys to teach them proper firearms safety too. I agree that everyone should be trained on the proper operation, cleaning and storage of their firearm. Unfortunately, some states in their effort to reduce the numbers of

I bet you his “fucking face” is even worse.

Perhaps you are also brainwashed? Don’t be so sure of the superiority of your positions. What makes this debate so intense is that both sides believe strongly that they are doing to the right thing. Should we do everything we can to ensure that people known to be dangerous to themselves and others do not have access