
Don’t know where I heard it, but I’ve always liked this quote:

I certainly respect your opinion. For me, the time I served in the military was important to my development in many ways. I don’t come from a stable background and I needed to know that I could start something and finish it. Though I didn’t know that when I joined.

I seriously can’t with this woman merely for the fact that her Facebook profile name is “Taya Kyle-American Wife”.

1000% this! I have a good friend who is green beret and is pretty blunt in saying if you go around bragging about killing human beings, reguardless of the circumstance, you are at least boardering on being a phycopath.

Yeah, when I think of PTSD treatment, medical marijuana or yoga comes more to mind for me than a trip to the gun range...anyway, mental illness aside, I’m just thinking that people are assholes anymore, and just talk to talk without thinking of the repercussions.

I don’t think the types of regulation being discussed would have prevented her husband’s death but it would drastically reduce other deaths associated with gun violence and it's sad she is too short sighted to see the big picture.

My dad was in the military, so I grew up around military people. One thing I learned is that the more someone in the service brags, the less impressive their actual career is.


I’ve been ignoring the whole shebang for eleventy million reasons including been-there-have-the-t-shirt, but Selma Blair? Connie Britton? Are they doing this for real or giggles? Because giggles I can totally get behind and fight to the death with my husband about watching it. Because I am deep down a trashy bitch.

He takes a time-honoured political stance known as ‘Fuck you, I got mine’.

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

I’m not ready to look older. I’m forty-three now and not terribly happy about growing old.

oh she will be GREAT. I’ve never seen her acting on a subpar level and refuse to believe she’s capable of it.

Roost, chickens. ROOST.

That was my thought as well. Or he’s had severe type 2 for a while, completely untreated.

... I’m sure you’re joking. Because I change my kid’s diaper all the time despite having talked a bit naughty with my husband, because it turns out that dirty bedroom talk doesn’t prevent someone for caring for an infant.

Why? Maz was a great character, and

—ahem, SPOILERS—

She helped push Rey in the direction that she needed to go on her Hero’s Journey. No one thinks of Yoda and gets mad that Frank Oz was “reduced” to that. Lupita’s voice had the perfect amount of gravitas and playfulness for that role. (Side note: I really really

The converse argument would be that 30% of men are going by themselves / with male friends, and 30% are bringing dates, comprising of the ~30% of women seeing the film. The question is would those woman be seeing it regardless of date night, in groups of women or alone. I’d like to think so. Signed, a woman who has

I read an interview Lupita did the other day where she stated that she purposely picked this role. She talked about how much focus was on her body after 12 Years a Slave and during all the red carpet season, that she wanted a role where her body was not in focus at all.

Nah, the secret of Star Wars’ success is that it was a good Star Wars movie.