
I had one of those. Now she’s 24 and applying to law schools.

Oh, they totally are!

this was my shit

The medical terms are also spontaneous abortion and therapeutic abortion. I really wish the term miscarriage would be discarded. First of all it’s not the scientific term. Second, I’d like to destigmatize the word abortion. Third, it would make the forced birthers hissy fit to have to use the word in a manner not

Well I hope you saved money to give those pads a proper burial and headstone. “RIP ALWAYS”

Noooo he just, you know, is really busy with work. So he really needs some space but it’s just a break. Plus because his parents are divorced he’s kind of nervous about commitment and he just freaked out a little. But remember when he called last week wasted to come over at 4 am? He wouldn’t have called if he didnt


I love this. It almost makes me want to start menstruating again so I could do that.

Oh fuck that - I’m from Ohio, I was wanted and happily carried to term, and the best I got was a day-pass to universal studios in FL. No fucking Disney World for them.

I see you’ve already gotten your ass handed to you so hard that there’s none left for me to scoop up and fling. I salute my Jez compatriots for their thoroughness.

I jokingly call large blood clots “Jr.”

But they like science when it benefits them. Like they have a heart attack, resuscitate.

Oh honey, you’re the one who’s not good at science. When I miscarried at 6 weeks, all it was was a heavy period. So yes, all I used was tampons and pads. Would I have to bury my maxi pads?

Plenty of periods include embryonic tissue, as a very high percentage (30 to 50%) of fertilized eggs fail at the early implantation stage, and are flushed out with the normal period.

Breaking news from Ohio: A new law will require that any woman who has an abortion must hold a full age appropriate birthday party for the fetus every year until said fetus is 18 years old. Furthermore, said woman must include fetus in all holiday card photos and will take to Disney world at least twice in said

As someone suggested in the last Jez story on this topic, maybe it’s time to start sending these legislators used pads and tampons, because embryonic tissue.

Why the fuck is she not Minister of Magic by now?

This. I liked that Hermione had a genuine (minor) physical attribute that a teenage girl could realistically see as a flaw and feel insecure about, and felt a little bit jelly over the dance politics. It wasn’t the usual thing of an author creating a physically perfect female character and paying lip service to the

Plus when an antagonist insults Hermione’s appearance (her teeth, hair, or Rita Skeeter’s article calling her “plain”), Rowling doesn’t rush to negate it with enforcing that Hermione’s actually pretty. It's just part of the general bullying (like Ron being bullied for being poor), and it's not treated as the most

I want her to write The McGonagall Chronicles.