More proof that no lie is beneath her. Everyone knows Republicans are Team Cat.
More proof that no lie is beneath her. Everyone knows Republicans are Team Cat.
I say “Happy Holidays” specifically to make people upset about the War on Christmas.
Is it wrong that I like passive aggressively troll my “war on Christmas” family members by ordering “happy holiday” cards instead of “Merry Christmas” cards? I didn’t don’t this year because I couldn’t find a holiday design I liked but I will be back to it next year for sure.
No one. No one is banning Christmas. But if I am to believe my aunt who has a FB fit about this every damn year, it’s the people who have the audacity to say “Happy Holidays” who have sinister motives to take Christmas from their cold dead hands.
I.....don’t....get...this. Who is banning Christmas? I’m a heathen Jew and I love my extra day off. WHO CARES ABOUT THIS NONSENSE?
It’s the House specialty. :D
Oh for fucks sake. This is so goddamn martyrifically stupid...
If more dirty, criminal cops were dealt with in this way, we would not be having this crisis of mistrust in the police. The only way to deter criminal cops is to rigorously prosecute them and fire them.
yes, much better than “protecting the brotherhood” or what the fuck ever
I live in the Bible Belt extreamly close to Dollywood. This morning one of my conservative trump loving coworkers said he was surprised at how much Jesus stuff NBC let them fit in there and then I went on a rant about how the war on Christmas is fake. It was a weird morning.
It’s sad that we’re relieved the PD made a perfectly reasonable statement.
Oh yeah. Fuck her right in the ear.
watching everything crumble around him is so goddamn satisfying
because you are guilty and truth always comes out
Aw, he looks just like a little kid who got caught with his hand in the rape jar. Enjoy prison, asshole.