
He needs to do that because he needs to prove that he can win without cheating. Before deflate gate, there was spygate, questions about illegal formations on the field last season, etc.

In fairness to Tom Brady (UGH I never thought I would say that ever) lots of Americans feel that way. I don’t think he’s necessarily obligated to be a better citizen because he’s paid a lot of money to throw around pig skin or whatever it is that he does. Nobody hired the man to be smart, coherent, or politically

My favorite food-related story about my family’s late purebred black lab (RIP Jazzy):

I mean like... what. Politics isn’t on his radar? What a mother fucking privilege! Trust me, I WISH I didn’t have to think about politics. But since certain politicians in this country keep trying to erode my reproductive rights and push policies that would lead us to catastrophe, I HAVE to care.

Infantalization’s a helluva drug. I don’t think people accurately gauge how powerful large dogs are when they don’t have hardcore obedience drilled into them, and they think they’re just giant babies who can’t do any better. (Spoilers: It’s hard and occasionally actually impossible, but good training pays off.)

dude. it was ash wednesday. don’t be so insensitive.

translation: i’m so rich it doesn’t matter!

meanwhile if Tom Brady said he supported Bernie Sanders, everyone around here would be calling him their internet boyfriend

I don’t even know what the issues are.

There is nothing less sexy than someone acting like they are too cool for politics.

To be fair, if I said I’d love a Trump presidency because free hats and golf, I’d hope nobody took me seriously either.

“I’ll do whatever Gisele tells me to.” - Tom Brady’s internal monologue.


“he’d monitor each berry individually for ripeness and eat it off the plant the instant it reached edibility” hahahahahaha this is priceless.

I don’t know what this says about me, but I’m ok with this.

Seriously. What is it with Labs? They would eat until their stomach explodes.

I understand this dog. I mean, who among us has never chewed the locks off of a container to eat a dozen chocolate muffins?

Purebred labs would eat until they literally explode... there doesn’t seem to be an off button on their appetites (which I can sympathize with).

Of course he’s a Labrador. Of course.