
And then NOT APOLOGIZING. It’s a racist teacher with a racist principal and a racist school board and a racist police department. If one person in authority had intervened and been like YO THIS IS WRONG, this wouldn’t have been such a big story.

Zero tolerance bullshit at its best.

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.

We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all

Did anyone else see this excellent kid on Chris Hayes last night? “I call it the interrogation room because it’s where I was interrogated.”

we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat

A hand can pose a threat. You can make it into a fist and punch someone or keep it flat and slap someone. You know what you need to do to your students, MacArthur.

Everytime I get the “here, let me in” text from my boyfriend, I find him outside my apartment trimming his fingernails, just chilling outside clipping like it’s the most common thing in the world. Words cannot express my appreciation after reading this.

If you managed to get pregnant via anal, you’re doing it too hard.

A Story of Few Words: A Sexy Haiku

As someone whose last job involved writing a lot of these kind of letters, I am tickled to death. I hope the person involved isn’t chastised...

Pssst, the House of Representatives hangs out at the Capitol building, not the White House.

But you didn't need nicer nurses, you needed better ones.

I’ve found that while medical procedures are usually dealt with competently, basic needs for food, water and stuff like blankets are often forgotten about. I understand that nurses are highly trained professionals whose job is not supposed to be fetching lunch for someone, but sick people don’t get better when nobody

I completely agree. My state does not have a union. Our state’s nursing association does not advocate for one. I belong to the American Nurses Association, but I told my state they will not get a penny of my money unless they are willing to help us unionize.

I know a lawyer who is part of a union. It's definitely not the difference between trade and profession.

My grandmother was a retired nurse and she used to sigh, roll her eyes, and yank the IV out of the nurses hands and put it in herself when they were having a hard time. This when she was 90. She wasn’t the most gracious patient. But that’s also how she got to live to be 90.

Ehhh. NG tubes are pretty soft and flexible. They tend not to go through bone or cartilage. Getting to the eye would be pretty tough. You’d really have to engage your core.