
Stop asking for refills on your oxy, then.

I’m truly sorry that you had a bad experience. That’s no OK. It’s also not OK to say that ALL nurses are condescending.

I dunno, I think nurses are probably like any other profession: some of them are terrible, some of them are wonderful, and most of them are somewhere in between. It’d be nice if we could toss all the terrible ones out of the profession and give more credit to the wonderful ones (something I’m sure pretty much all of

I hope cocopop jr is doing well.

My sister is the sweetest, most generous person you’d ever want to meet, and probably tops out at about 5’2” and 95 lbs. Teensy little sweetie.

I could have told ya that (mom’s a nurse.) Those tough birds have to routinely face down screaming doctors, who have more money, more prestige, and usually more power than they do, even though they do a lot of the every day patient care (patients are also sometimes screaming.)

I was thinking the same thing. But I was also thinking that she’d get the same level of care as anyone else. Because above all else nurses have patience. (and big hearts)

Surprised you are still with us then...

The arms of citizens everywhere will experience the slightly uncomfortable pressure of random sphygmomanometer attacks.

I was just thinking - I hope she doesn’t need to go to the emergency room anytime soon!


Finally someone with the courage to speak out against nurses. Soup kitchen volunteers pay heed, you’re next!

Never go in against a nurse, Joy.

Every nurse that I know is a) stronger than I; b) very loyal; and c) not to be fucked with.

Too bad targets of racism and rape survivors don’t have corporate sponsors. Because even a fraction of the apologist bullshit that’s been on that show this past year would have been enough to bury it for good.

The only one who’s ratchet in this story is Joy.

It took a pretty embarrasing amount of time for me to realize that. Now, whenever I hear that -

Two hobbits were seen leaving the scene of the crime, headed to the closest volcano.