JJ the TV watcher

If he'd stopped to pick up the gold, he would have been mowed down by the Dothraki. If he'd fled the field without the gold, he'd very likely be mowed down by the Dothraki (and would certainly have forfeited all future prospect of riches). Trying to take down Drogon was his best chance at achieving a good outcome. Of


Let us also remember that disaster was averted BECAUSE the alarm was sounded early and often. Companies invested billions in upgrading code to avoid the problems that WOULD have hit had nothing been done. Problem was that the media never got the message that the patches were in place and were expected to do their job.

Well, I used the email, so I'm not too worried about him spamming me.

In my head, Bull works as a genre-procedural. In my version, Bull is really a telepath which is why he can read the jury so well. The rest is mostly cover - it really is a bunch of nonsense that every once in a blue moon helps Bull come up with an out of the box solution. What else? Oh yes, there has to be some sort

Or D&D cut it at the last minute to make a stronger cliffhanger.

For me, the only part that lived up to the books was Cersei's Walk of Shame, though I currently find myself rather inexplicably wanting to see her destroy the city next season. Not a big fan of ritual humilation. Headey was magnificent.

See, that's part of my problem with this episode. It does make everything else seem petty, and yet we've got two more episodes plus two more seasons of the series to go. I'm willing to bet another army of white walkers won't show up for another 10 or so episodes (budget reasons alone dictate this), so what are we

Call me a curmudgeon. It was the best episode of the season by far, but that's not saying that much. I guess part of my tepid reaction is that I don't particularly enjoy that kind of fight sequence. *shrug* It just felt more like the Walking Dead than ASOIAF.

Jeff went after Dan mainly because Dan attacked the Survivor brand by saying he was fundamentally misrepresented. No, Dan, you are fundamentally an asshat.

Martin spends a LOOOONG time weaving this complex tapestry of situations and motivations to bring things to a boil. I understand the need to compress matters, eliminate characters, dumb things down in general, but you have to pay attention or you wind up with this pile of shite.
Take Littlefinger. His claim to the

'People' were not OK with the story of the mutilation & torture that goes with the creation of the Unsullied at all. It's why Dany unleashing the dragons on the masters is greeted with a roar of approval by the audience.

I (and many, many others) loved Dance. Some of the highlights:

I still can't understand how his head wasn't chopped off the moment he arrived in Kings Landing. Wouldn't news of Sansa being in Winterfell have travelled quickly through the north and thence on to the rest of the kingdom? It would have taken Baelish weeks to travel to King's Landing after all. Don't ravens fly

Even though I never did like the show because I find Jessica Fletcher unbearably nosy, I can now watch Murder She Wrote with a certain level of enjoyment for the old fashioned crime solving. As my sister says, its almost like watching the birth of the computer age, and the earnest explanations about how everything

I agree on many of your points. Primarily, I was TOTALLY on board with Cyrus being fired. I normally like the character but in this episode he was batshit insane. I'm surprised more people haven't commented about this. Agree that its great to see Jake go (assuming he stays gone), and it would be great if Rowan is gone

My sister dropped by while I was watching the finale, watched for a few moments and then gave a perplexed 'I thought Scandal was about…' comment. I felt like I'd be caught watching one of those hideous TLC shows and quickly changed the channel.

Is the shipper name Nonshit or Bullsense? I like the latter.

Thank you for this article. You expressed my feelings so well.

Well, the right of conquest is nothing to sneeze at, especially if Dany uses her dragons to defeat the real threat in the North. And remember, Robert was an utter failure as a king, Tommen is illegitimate (a rumour to some / a fact to many others) and increasingly unpopular, and Stannis has gone over to a different