
Oh god, I don’t wear pantyhose at the best of times, and the idea of putting them on short hours after I’ve given birth? nonono.

I did this when my daughter was about five months old. Dropped her on the hardwood floor. Lost my ever-loving shit. She stopped crying before husband even got home (he works 2 km from our house), but I didn’t realize in the moment that was a good sign. Got her checked out, doctor said their little heads are basically

It’s very common advice! My husband has fake front teeth, so he never could, and I was always too wimpy to do it (even though I gnaw mine off like a rodent).

When I brought my second in for his first doctor’s appointment, I just carried him and the diaper bag in - didn’t bother with the car seat, since he weighed nothing. The admitting nurse asked if this was him, and I turned him around and danced him at her like a doll (I had my thumbs behind his head, and my hands

I love John Hannah forever

My first boyfriend had his mom’s maiden name as a second middle name. I did the same to my kids (though I didn’t change my name when I married Mr.jenteen). All goyische in all of these anecdata!

Pat Cassels, also formerly of College Humor, landed at Full Frontal!

I broke up with a guy twice (first time I agreed to try to ‘work things out’ though I still had both feet out the door), and his response to me was, “When you were complaining about all these things, I didn’t know you meant it!”

Same type of criticism people make about those who have online friends - “Oh, I don’t need to make friends online, those people are all shut-ins and losers, I only make friends in person!”

See also, “why do you email your friends to talk about xyz? I text/call/etc. them!”

THANK YOU. I’m so glad to have found someone else that can’t manage Tolkein. The first time I read the Hobbit it took me over a month — and I can burn through books in a day or two, when given enough time and motivation. I tried the first few pages of LOTR and gave up.

The McElroy brothers did a riff on that in one of their episodes of My Brother, My Brother and Me.

The actor playing William looks like Mike Birbiglia, if he thinned out his hair on top.

Yes to Mormon, not sure about the hair part (I only know of her through Married the new guy after 3 months, just had his baby, their dog died due to heat stroke, he accidentally shot her when cleaning a gun in the kitchen, seems to be doing everything he can to erase the little kids’ memory of their

I hope then that you’ve seen Cougar Town. It’s awesome, especially once it gets about six episodes in and ditches the premise implied by the title. The whole cast is full of Bill Lawrence regulars, and it’s so good.

I got hit up for money while my husband I were out pushing the baby in the stroller. The lady (after asking how old the baby was and hearing 8 days), then said, “I hate to ask you when you have a new baby and another on the way...”

I’m sorry to hear he had a rough start, but good on you and your husband for stepping in. I know I hadn’t clued in to my daughter not putting her legs down and putting weight on them when she was little - my mom did, but kept it to herself (until later, once it became a medical issue we were addressing) because she

There’s also value to addressing ‘problems’ early, before they become major issues. My daughter was a late walker, and we took her to physio at 18 months to make sure there wasn’t some physical reason that was holding her back (other than the giant head and delicate frame). My son was ‘late’ talking, so he did a few

I’ve read that writing in cursive helps your brain connect words/ideas together in ways that printing doesn’t. I’m not sure how true it is, but...