
That’s me! I’ve been trying to get in the craft show circuit this season (I make jewelry). The first show I did, I toured around - leggings, doTerra, Scentsy, 21, Stella and Dot, Avon... out of 40-50 tables, I’d say at least a dozen or more were these MLM brands.

It was, yes - 3 years ago. It was in fact just before the crisis seemed to hit (I don’t work in health policy, so I’m sure it’s been a problem for years beforehand), and I was surprised at how big of a problem it was given my experiences with it.

I have no medical background, just two labours to speak to. I’m going to trust and assume that the fentanyl given to me was given in appropriate dosages - I know it was given when my contractions were at their height to minimize the transfer.

Well, Donald Trump believes everything he sees on TV (Fox News). It only makes sense that he thinks the rest of the world operates the same way.

I had doses of fentanyl when I was in labour with my son. It didn’t seem at the time like they were doing anything for me. The morphine I had while I was in labour with my daughter a few years earlier seemed much more effective (and let me sleep here and there).

Urgh. Teeth.

I was just coming in to say that her tooth look like they don’t fit in her mouth.

WOW. I’m so sorry you had such a horrible teacher.

Thank you, I try to always raise these points whenever her degree is discussed

Careful, I’m going to keep coming back for more recommendations. :D I was thrilled to see how many people mentioned Jennifer Crusie - she’s definitely my favourite.

Sometimes that tossing of good food is because people are assholes. My husband manages a grocery store, and I’m in a whole pile of neighbourhood FB groups, and it’s insane the amount of bitching people make about the food they buy. “I bought yogurt for $0.10 a cup and it expires tomorrow!” Yeah, that’s why it’s

I initially read “John Barrymore” as “John Barrowman” and almost cried.

I just wanted to jump back in to this thread to say thank you for recommending the Hating Game. I picked it up from the library yesterday and read it the same day. So good - I laughed, and got teary, and just really loved how the lead was so comfortable in her own skin.

I feel like my mom would occasionally make one with marshmallows in it, but I’m not 100% sure. I do know I made a point of getting my grandmother’s recipe for it when I was still a teenager... I’ve never made it, but I have it!

My grandmother would make jello salad with shredded carrots and pineapple in it. If left alone with the dish, I probably would have eaten it all. And as a grown-up, I think I still would.

iirc, she sees the little girl on the dad’s lap and his hand in a place she felt was wrong. That book changed how I looked at a dad playing completely innocently with his daughters for awhile... Lolita also messed me up for awhile.

That was the point where I stopped reading. I always meant to finish it, but...


Those early-month sleep regressions are a bitch. It’ll get better, I promise! (I know, cold comfort... but if you want extra arms to hold little dude, I’m offering!)