
I looooooove that that's her angle. That's Bitch 101. There's nothing as satisfying as pretending to meet someone for the first time even when you've met before, or pretending the person introducing you(spouse) has never mentioned them(ex) to you before. It's blatant "You don't matter in the slightest to me or

I have no opinions on vegetarians, but the phrase "meat culture" is hilarious (and comparing it to patriarchy is downright hilarious/infuriating). You are not a marginalized group because you made a dietary choice that isn't common. Saying cooking meat smells delicious is not a slur or attack on vegetarianism, jesus.

Yes! All the men who try to emulate James Bond—that's like telling me your personal hero is Patrick Bateman. Back away, slowly. I'm not interested in finding out why you are wearing that poncho.

You are lying. The hourly temperature breakdown for Phoenix on March 20, 2014, shows it at 68 degrees at 11 am, 71 degrees at 12, 75 degrees at 1 pm, and 78 degrees at 2 pm. Don't troll at the Jez because we know how to use the "google thing" and check your work. So have a fucking seat, troll.

there was a church right down the street

Okay y'all. A few years ago, maybe 12? I was working EMS with my partner and there's a reg that says if a cop or EMS or FF sees a person/kid/pet in a hot car, even if the windows are "cracked," we are supposed to break the glass and get the mammals inside into a cool environment (kids, whatever, dogs, mammals. you

This is why actors should have a back-up education, training, career, whatever, so that when their careers are over and they end up getting offers to look miserable while engaging unfunny and kind of disturbing destruction of fellow actors images and new vehicles, they can say, "No thanks, I'm going to go be a

well you lost your chance to discuss anything seriously by being a complete asshole.I'm fucking tired of having to "teach" people basic human concepts like what consent is. someone actually even asked you if you were retarded. that tells you nothing???

do you also not believe in vaccines? or global warming? You need to read up on trauma response in humans and what they do, especially relating to sexual assault. The most common response is a feeling of being frozen and unable to move or speak. Your brain actually creates an anesthetic that prohibits you from acting.

By all means, let's talk about the real menace here; tattoos.

Statistically, you probably DO associate with rapists. The vast majority of rapists aren't back alley lurkers, they're "everyday" Joes. One guy I used to hang with, an ostensible feminist ally, turned out to be a serial date rapist. I was shocked. And then I remembered rape culture.

Yeah, you're doing a huge disservice to women (and people) everywhere when you incorrectly throw out 'rape' like that.

How the hell do you know that you don't hang out with rapists?

There's a wide rang between a guy who's just a sexist arsehole and someone who's actually committed multiple sexual assault.

Terry Richardson's photography has always been about spontaneity. Everything about it reflects that

As much as I love them both, I completely agree we should take Bey and Gaga (and all the other celebs who shoot with him) to task. Bey's XO video is unwatchable for me because I know he shot it. Obama technically shot with him before he was POTUS, but the point still stands. The man is predatory and he needs to start

Instead of taking this scumbag to task, people should take the celebrities who work with him to task. Someone needs to make the Beyonces and the Lady Gagas and the friggin' PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA explain why they would work with this man. The first question at the next White House Press briefing

I believe it's at the discretion of the local gym (which are franchises, so the national org doesn't have quite the same amount of control), which is pretty much asking for individual drunk-with-power managers to rule against their personal pet peeves.

What exactly is their dress code? I can't seem to find it anywhere on their site. I toured their facilities here in NY since I just moved from Chicago. Price is right but the no-classes thing and the yelp reviews about stolen property changed my mind. Call me a cock-eyed optimist but the 'lunks' and 'lunkettes' at my