mine showed up during a hurricane in 6th grade. september of either 2000 or 1999. so whatever hurricane terrorized southeastern pennsylvania that indian summer.
i for one just love all this. it's like our generation is participating in one big "end of the world" themed slumber party where we giggle underneath blankets, tell scary stories and scream every time we hear a clap of thunder.
AH! i wanted to throw this out there as a side topic, but jezebel just posted something about justine sacco getting hired by hot or not to help launch their reboot. so depending on what level of controversy you've drummed up in the past, it might be to your advantage! *gag*
i guess it's a safe rule to stick with. i mean, i've read the news stories about people getting fired for having, like, bikini photos on the web and that has been a bummer. for the record though—i am disgustingly liberal. offensively liberal, at least to the proverbial secret-keeping, decorum-loving shadow person…
because the children could look up their twitter account and see the aforementioned gangbang pictures?
what? no. i'm suggesting that if the available, outward facing position was for a company that dealt with kids then yes, it would be inappropriate to hire a person who live-tweeted their sexy-time. assuming their twitter handle/content makes them easily identifiable/searchable through twitter.
too vague. need more specs. as you describe it, i consider it an inconsequential decision. if the industry is involved with children in some way then obviously my response would change.
there are about 430958340598340589 reactions to this swimming around in my head so i will try and let them out in an orderly fashion.
i also have the phrases "everything in the world began with a yes" and "i am human; i consider nothing human alien to me." tattooed on my body. these are the only tattoos i have. i am basically the oppositional embodiment of everything your company's hiring department stands for.
i'm traveling to a sex dungeon with my boyfriend as a graduation present to myself so what do you think?
i'm on my last semester of college coming up this fall and i know that soon enough i'll have to delete/hide everything. it pisses me off, and i think companies that do this kind of social media screening bullshit are unethical. it's discriminatory and wrong.
i was by NO MEANS the mall goth/che t-shirt kid in high school so i don't say this often buuuuuut: that is some fascist horseshit.
i used the hashtag #thinspiration on a picture of cookie monster. does that make me a monster, too? or just a cookie monster?!?!?!?! am i promoting unhealthy eating habits right now? am i eating brownies right now!?!?!? at 11:40 IN THE MORNING!?!??!?! (the answer is yes.)
i think it's far more likely honey boo boo will turn into a beyonce-grade superstar than any of the scenarios you just described PRECISELY because failure is what everyone expects of her. or at least that's what i hope for her. i think she is terrifyingly smart for a little girl.
i had a good time at mama africa in cuzco.
my momma is a drama queen, what can i say. for the record, she is a fucking phenomenal human being. she's a caretaker for dementia and alzheimers patients exclusively and demonstrates an emotional sensitivity/perception i've only recognized in a few people. before that she led her breastfeeding mothers group and was…
lovely sentiment. my dad was adopted from an orphanage as were all my aunts and uncle on his side. with the exception of my father, my nana had adopted them all after she was divorced so....single mother raising 4 foster children. she even adopted my cousins after my aunt jess went through some drug issues. so i get…
i am honored.
i'm 5'7.....but thank you!