Jenny Vuojolainen

Not that I think age has anything to do with self-confidence, but maybe he’s a D&D elf and has only just reached matury a few decades earlier. Can’t expect someone to suddenly be brave enough run around with their genitals exposed after being an awkward teenager for 80 years

Love that song. Dire Straits rule!

I would’ve prioritized moving to a country that doesn’t care where your money comes from before buying loads of expensive cars. Surely if your criminal enterprise is on the internet, you could control it from some beach somewhere and not get arrested by the Chinese, right? Just seems kinda sloppy to me.

STOP! You have violated the law! You can pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit

WOAH! I’ve never played a single second of Overwatch and know next to nothing about the characters, but that’s a really fucking cool skin!

So, you can unlock all the character just by playing the game? How much of a grind would you say it is if you’re not looking to spend any money?

This Pokémon’s attacks actually don’t do any damage unless someone, whether friend or foe, says “Pew, pew”

Won’t get fooled again

Yeah, I would just get in a game, snipe 3 people, leave and repeat 14 times. Not too bad at all

I’m more disappointed about the robe physics(glued to Eivor’s legs) on the Altaïr cosmetic and not being able to make other armor look like it with the new feature.

Me? No, I don’t, though I don’t really see what that has to do with making weird comments on Kotaku on a Sunday evening.

Got this idea from the Corpse Run strip(I love me some Dragon Age):

Ah, right. I did grind all my jobs I had to max, but I might try your method as I get the last 4 jobs in the game(I checked a guide for reference). And apparently there’s a point in the game when the jobs can be levelled further, so that’s more grinding to look forward to.

How much JP do Wiki-wikis give? I’m getting 312 times 1.7 each time I kill a Mushussu and the 2 pestes that spawn with it and I’m able to take them out in a single round now(Godspeed Strike). Then I just walk into the nearby cave and back out to respawn it.

I had a pretty nice experience using Beastmaster in the Chapter you get it, because the Thundara that those elementals do was actually stronger than my Thundaga was at the time.

PS Now is on PS5. Don’t believe it has any actual PS5 games at the moment, but you can play all the PS4 games in the catalogue on your PS5

One of the characters starts as a level 2 or 3 Black Mage, so level 8 is very doable if you just keep him as such. I’ve only just started Chapter 1(there’s a Prologue chapter) and already have access to Firaga, which you get at job level 10.

According to legend, there was once a Pikachu who slept for thousands of years and gained such power that it became known as the Calamity. The ancient peoples of the world created four great beasts, mechanical constructs that could suppress the Calamity’s power. Peace was had for a while, but one day 100 years ago the

O-kay then. Obviously this game’s been in deep shit for a while now, but this is pretty crazy. Very weird to claim the studio did a good job while you’re also removing them from the project. How do you let them work on a game for this long before pulling the plug? What the fuck, guys?

Uhh, I think these may be attracting my attention in the wrong way. Sure, I probably wouldn’t have read an article about how people in Taiwan are handling disease control if the art wasn’t so beautiful, but the art isn’t telling me to avoid the diseases either. Like, maybe I wouldn’t want to hang with Covid, but