Jenny Vuojolainen

Well, in that case, I do recommend you watch that video I linked in my original comment. It’s not quite the same as playing all the games, but it’s better than nothing

We know BBS and DDD at the very least play a big part considering the villain was introduced in the former and what we know about his plan was revealed in the latter. The BBS main characters are even on the cover of the new game, so I think it’s safe to speculate that they’ll at least play some part in the game. Feel

Yeah, you’re pretty much fucked if you haven’t played any game after KH2, want to play KH3 at launch AND know what’s going on.

Oh, no, they technically only singled out “Luigette”, so while the ‘only Toadette can use this item’ bit sounds pretty solid, it’s actually just a misinterpretation of what would happen if anyone else where to put the crown on based on an archaic idea of gender roles and metamorphosis that may have applied in the

If you didn’t encounter any hard bosses in the first half of DQXI, you must’ve been playing on the regular difficulty. When you turn the Super Strong Enemies setting on at the beginning, most enemies can prove challeging with even regular mobs wiping your party if you’re not careful. I highly recommend it for fans of

I saw Jade. Good enough for the DQ fan in me

I’ve apparently played 483 hours of Fallout 4, 408 hours of Minecraft and 405 of Witcher 3. Pretty wild. It also claims my first PS4 game was Watch Dogs even though it was actually AC Black Flag 3 weeks earlier

Continue blind and only look stuff up if you get lost

But, but... Mario Party is awesome!

I hope it’s accurate to the game and he only ever spams Seth’s One-shot Kill

Why’d they make it red instead of white? It’s clearly a white shirt with red stuff on it and you wouldn’t wear a dark red shirt with that outfit when a white shirt would fit better

You are awesome!

I explored half of the world, did the story up to the pirate island and I hit max level a while before. It’s a very big game, but I never met a mission I couldn’t do because of level. But my playstyle probably isn’t the best either. I took a break to start Red Dead, that was a month ago and now I’m just playing Skyrim

How does he compare to Brontes? You know, the cyclops you fight on Forgotten Isle after following the God Among Men questline. I found that fight pretty easy as well

Correction: The CUH-7100 series have been around since this time last year and they haven’t been limited to a special run. There have been regular Pros, God of War versions, Spider-Man versions, more and all those were the 7100 series models. Basically every Pro you bought this year would’ve been one of those

Oh, so it isn’t Kageyama? I would’ve been very interested to read how a Japanese composer got elected in Texas

0.2 is a BBS sequel centering around Aqua and ties directly into KH1

It’s all the games. It takes the current PS4 compilations(1.5+2.5 and 2.8) and puts them together at a lower price point. But it’s 100% worthless if you already have those

Don’t forget Dragon Warrior VII! The newer, properly titled 3DS version is lovely but the original had that special 16bit charm

2 is prequel, mate, so your excuse is invalid