Dunno about you guys, but the red baseball cap is forever stained in my eyes.
Dunno about you guys, but the red baseball cap is forever stained in my eyes.
Unnecessary meanness. Thanks for your opinion, though.
Prince William has presumably been released from the royal doghouse following his bout of ill-advised dad dancing,…
Fat, Ugly and Stupid - It’s the Holy Trinity of Micro-Dicked Men everywhere.
Gawd, it’s always straight to “you’re fat” with these schoolyard bullies.
If Casey Affleck can’t feel safe reading college newspapers, where can he feel safe?
Of COURSE they’re all white, too. And the one on the right has his wiener out for all to see.
It’s like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.
Yeah, a documentarian’s (unquantified) assertion about crime on Tucker Carlson transformed into a full-on terrorist attack in the mind of the American President which should alarm no one and is very normal, very smart, not at all dangerous.
No, this ought to be his Waterloo!
Jared Kushner looks like the perfect, caring fiancé in a L&O SVU episode who is later revealed to have been kidnapping all those brunettes and dressing them up in his late mother’s clothes.
..and if you don’t want to bother listening to it, just imagine the blandest song you can think of, and then slap a coat of beige paint on it.
I dropped my therapist after he recommended a book from the author of “The Secret”
It will be a c-section with immediate tummy tuck. It’s what all the cool kids are doing these days.
I’m average height, didn’t have twins (2 separate births 3 years apart) and my stomach hangs like you described yours... If I wasn’t so scared of major surgery, I would also be in the running for a tummy tuck.
6 weeks? She’ll have the Plastic Surgeon go into the delivery room with her.
Oh god. OH GOD I’M SORRY. D: D:
I’m short and carried twins to 38 weeks. My stomach is indescribably hideous.