I'm pretty upset by this too. Though much like I try not to judge my fav adult actors on their behavior as teens, I will not judge teen actor Stacey Dash on her behavior as an adult. Clueless for life.
oh my god it's not a typo, it's baby talk
My crushes from 2001-2005 are about 50:50 - some look more or less the same, but others never left my hometown and got portly/scrubby. Maybe Brian can beat the odds!
They are terrorists.
Bed bugs is something everyone needs to be terrified of, and anyone who judges those terrified are horrible people who clearly have never come face to face with those terrors.
thats is playing for my cat, she can get a little to rough when excited at times but she likes to fight for a minute or two then just wants her belly rubbed. But it can also mean trust and just the cat doesn't want its belly and fat flapped touched. My previous cat was like that and was fine as long as no belly…
You can see the tail flick in this video. She's ok with the vacuum, but only for so long. The human knows this, I think. Sweet kitty! Good human, she has you just where she wants you.
I don't teach in high school (I'm in higher ed), but I find that lecturing isn't the best way to teach. I try to engage students in discussion, problem solving, debate, etc. There are lots of ways to teach that don't involve trying to convey your knowledge to them. If you go into teaching, you'll discover ways that…
Wow, by the end of the episode I really liked Claire's power clashing.
Some constructive criticism, thehunchbackofnotredwayne, since I see you are interested in pursuing a path in sexist trolling: you need to commit (I would suggest you fact-check, too, put that's probably beyond you — Maddie is a staff writer here, just FYI! That is a full-time position, and also a vagina is not…
It took me far too long to embrace skinny jeans, since I thought only skinny people could pull them off. But no, every woman can. They can pry my skinny jeans from my cold, dead hands. I'm assuming that since I turned 30 while they were in style, they're the new "mom jeans," meaning I can wear them for the rest of my…
Yes! I was all over raverly yesterday commenting on some of the pages and drooling over friends knits. I'm in the middle of cutting out and assembling period clothing right now, although 100 years later, so I don't have time but I was enjoying their lovely work.
im thinking the campfire mitts are pretty close to Mrs Fitz mitts.
It's the only one I've read of his so far, so I don't know how it compares to the others, but my friend tells me it's less surreal than the others? Maybe you'll like it better a second time!
But his jacket smells like piss...
Lena Dunham, no one cares what you think about Beyoncé. Shut it.