She has a surprisingly decent voice for a modern pop star but I lasted 31 seconds before I went straight here
She has a surprisingly decent voice for a modern pop star but I lasted 31 seconds before I went straight here
Yeah, and I think that even if we decide, hypothetically, that the show isn't problematic in all of the ways Bogado says it is, it's still worth talking about these issues. I hate the "shut up about it already, and let me enjoy my show" attitude that a lot of people here seem to have.
I agree, I love the show. But I think it's really important to have discussions like this, if for no other reason than it draws attention to inequities in mass entertainment and portrayals of WoC that usually go ignored.
You understand that it's possible for a high-quality television show to also be deeply problematic, race-wise, right? You're still allowed to enjoy it.
Hmm... no mention of the situation that precipitated the hashtag, in which Jezebel is complicit? Okay.
I don't understand why everyone shortens the Deen fiasco to that white woman who said the N-word. She also thought it would be cool to throw a pretend plantation party with slave waiters. According to other articles she also: wanted a black woman to ring a dinner bell outside her flagship restaurant and wanted a black…
Holy crap, if my brother and his wife weren't such squares, I would buy both of my nieces Bill Murray/Bear shirts.
bwaha, i dig this one.
Thank you for posting that Bill Murray onesie. My friend's wife is due soon, and that's *perfect*.
Check out the stuff from Pacifier. It's a Minneapolis-based children's store but they have a great online selection, too. Some personal favorites:
I thought it looked more like a clit, but I like it
Why would anyone bail on a Matt Lauer Q&A? It's not like he's going to ask her any good questions.
That was one of my favorite ones too! Sooo many crazy dreams!
I love this story. Thanks for sharing more details. Really, just...thanks.
ME TOO. Also, the shame of having all my friends knowing I'm stuck at level 29, when they're way, way higher. :)
So happy I'll no longer have to explain to out-of-staters that I do not live in her district and she is not my fault.
It's a wonderful day to be a Minnesotan, but not as wonderful as if her district had given her the boot. Her influence created a hostile environment in their schools for LGBTQ kids. Since the matter of sexuality was not allowed to be discussed by teachers, they couldn't step in to rescue children being bullied.
Agreed! I only saw the first one and it was truly, truly dreadful.