
Kinda the opposite of real life...

While I still largely agree with the “Dr. Strange didn’t have to be another white guy” crowd, I gotta say, Benedict Mostenglishnameimagineable looks the part pretty much perfectly now that he’s all dressed up and dyed.

Citizen: “Daredevil I really need your help, these guys threatened to beat up my dad if he doesn’t pay them off by Tuesday?”
Daredevil: “Where was this going to happen?
Citizen: “Somewhere near Jones Woods Park.”
DD: “Wait, Jones Woods, you mean on Staten Island?”
Citizen: “Well, yeah...”
DD: “Get fucked kid, I only deal

When I was a kid in the mid-’60s, Doctor Strange was my favorite character. Why?

“What the fuck? Color?

Captain America: The First Avenger is my personal favorite.

I believe that a lot of those bad feelings are coming from a mismeasure of fans expectations of superhero films versus the kind of story that Zack Snyder is interested in telling.

This article is presenting a straw man argument. The main reasons that batman V Superman have nothing to do with tone, or failing to be Marvel.

There isn’t much I consider true malarkey, but this certainly qualifies.

It seems that the narrative of negative reviews is that the film is poorly constructed, confusing, and lacking internal logic. The positive reviews of this film seem to completely ignore those arguments in favor of a focus that everybody is missing the bigger themes that Snyder dares to address.

Also this part: This Superman is not a noble, selfless alien who cannot help but do good in the nick of time. He’s a selfish narcissist whose major failings are all caused by his inability to see himself in relation to the world (which, as the future-telling dream sequence shows, might come to a very destructive head).

As a DC and Batman fan, I am not associated with those people who claim to be fan and say “This movie is amazing! Marvel idiots just don’t get it!” Also here:

I must say, the “Marvel Method” contains 2 seasons of Daredevil and 1 season of Jessica Jones.

You’re right. It isn’t funny.

This is as bad if not worse then the yahoo “Marvel fans can’t comprehend how deep Batman v Superman is” articles

Now playing

It has been renewed. In fact, all the shows on the CW have been renewed for next season. Not just a few of them but,

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. I also noticed that many of those who did decide to comment are very uninformed about the details of this case, and especially those details that cast doubt on Jackie.

I know I’ll probably get a ton of flak for this, and trust me I sympathize as a survivor myself, but I feel that the dean has every right to depose Jackie, even if I find it repugnant that she’s going around branding Jackie as a liar.

It’s not a new outrageous claim or something. It was all laid out last year when the fallout occurred.