
Once again, for the record.

LOL. You think $810K is a reasonable amount of monthly compensation for (let’s say) three people?

NO, it doesn’t. It is for the down-ticket races primarily. It’s part of a fund to help other candidates called the Hillary Victory Fund. She gets a very small portion, but the rest goes to down ticket candidates. This is not hard to find out about.

Straight from the website: “The first $2,700/$5,000 from an

Of course they are. He’s been a democrat for about 2 whole months.

Of course Bernie Sanders can keep his ideological purity in his safe Senate seat, while the down ballot candidates this fundraiser is for get pasted by the gun industry, the Koch Brothers etc.

She has already raised about $15 mil for the dnc, Sanders has raised 0.

That pic is amusing considering it has his hands on Ohio, which he lost. The cartoonist shouldn’t have counted Bernie’s chickens before they hatched.

For the same reason it was called the Obama Victory Fund in 2008 and 2012.

Sanders is gull of contradictions. He claims to be about equality, but has no women in the top paid positions in the campaign. He claims to be about the people but the reality is very different. I haven’t seen Sanders comment on how his wins have mainly come from the caucus system, caucuses majorly disenfranchise

Oh good lord, seriously? People can do what they want with their money. Jeez.

She is also funding other Democrat campaigns, he has done nothing for fundraising other campaigns. I get that he is anti establishment, but he needs the legislature on his side if he were to win.

God damn. Sanders is quickly losing any goodwill he ever had with me. What a fucking asshole. Private citizens raising money for you is okay because they are poor people? Clooney is raising money for down ballot candidates. Something Bernie hasn’t bothered to worry about because Bernie only cares about Bernie.

More than that, it’s not really being even held for Clinton, but the progressives down ballot. So, why is this rather important detail missing from the story?

She is raising money right now for people down the ballot. You know, those people Bernie will need to be elected for his “revolution.” It’s literally money for other progressives so that we can change our government. Bernie has raised $0 for the people down the ballot. No progressives have gotten his help. It is one

As a reminder, this is a joint fundraising committee, which means that $5400 can be allocated to the Clinton campaign but the VAST majority of contributions go to the DNC and state parties to be used to build their GOTV and other local operations for the fall to support downballot candidates. These are the same people

Yes he fucking is.

You do realize that this money is for down the ballot. She’s raising for the other candidates down ballot. How much has Bernie raised down ballot?

Meh. I get his point about campaign finance, but I find the fact that Sanders has ZERO women in the top ten highest paid positions on his campaign far more obscene.