
Honest question: How is having one old drunken guy throwing beer at the players a sign of tone-deafness on Obama’s part?

I’m probably not the first person to post this in this thread, but:

Good mix of Poe & Godwin. +10

You pulled the Hitler card too early. Next time, try to sound reasonable for awhile. 1/10

Let’s watch the movies that ISIS makes at an international film festival too! Their voices deserve to be heard, don’t they?

No, it fucking doesn’t. And if you can’t tell the difference between the state muzzling you and burning your writings and putting you in prison or killing you to shut you up, no matter how fucking pig-ignorant you are, and a group of people voicing THEIR opinion that sounds like: “this work has no merit because it not

No, they fucking don’t. Should we listen to people that think the earth is flat or the moon is made of cheese? Because that’s the same as listening to anti-vax nut jobs.

And Wakefraud is free to put his bollocks up on YouTube for anyone to see. It’s not a film festival’s duty nor responsibility to show it. Had Tribeca refused it from the start, none of us would be the wiser.

it’s more important that facts are heard rather than uninformed opinions, and if you disagree you are a dangerous idiot who should not reproduce.

I am not interested in the excuses of men who hit women.

No, the “voices” that were “silenced” would belong the 10 infants who died from pertussis in California, my home state, in 2010, because they were too young to be vaccinated and herd immunity failed because people’s “personal beliefs” allowed the disease to slop onto the lives of others - oops, that’s “lives” as in

This. I don’t understand why parents have convinced themselves that autism is worse than measles, whooping cough, fucking meningitis, etc. To me, that is a horrible insult to anyone who has ever had to deal with autism in their life. I just want to shake these people and say that autism is not a death sentence. Not

I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was Wakefield’s “fans” writing to say thanks as per his instructions that made the festival (and De Niro) change their minds. Like, “who are these lunatics and why are they writing to us - ah. Maaaybe the criticism of this film and our decision to screen it was valid after all...”

Why isn’t Wakefield in prison?

That is what I’m thinking happened. I think he thought, “Oh, well, this anti-vaxx thing is bullshit, but this is about autism and maybe it could bring some attention to the condition.”

I bet he did not watch it until the controversy, then he watched it and said holy shit.

“...descend into autism...”

The answer to your questions are:

“The Festival doesn’t seek to avoid or shy away from controversy. However, we have concerns with certain things in this film that we feel prevent us from presenting it in the Festival program. We have decided to remove it from our schedule.”
Certain things like the outright lies, I assume.