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    Yes, PTSD from the rape caused her to make up a guy well before the alleged rape, text a friend while posing this fake guy, and then later claimed she was raped by the fake guy later. Because PTSD causes you to go back in time and make up someone and pretend to be someone else while texting someone. Then claim that

    Have you read the article? She claimed she was raped by a person who she literally made up to catfish a friend. The guy’s name never existed and the photo she used was a classmate of hers from high school who didn’t go to UVA.

    I dunno, I knew a guy who was falsely accused of rape in college (I’ve mentioned this before and I won’t give details because I don’t want to dox myself, but it involves an incident in which me and other people were there) and the girl in question never went to the police, and a school hearing cleared the guy who had

    Please tell me you’re being sarcastic. If not, read the interviews with her friends and the stuff about her making up some guy to text a friend and telling him she was dying. This is not a case of memory lapses. This is the case of a serious pathological liar who started this bullshit well, well before she claimed

    Elektra made me stop watching it. I mean, slo-mo sex on a boxing ring? Come on Daredevil, you’re better than that. I quit after episode 6, which was a shame because I loved the Punisher’s bit in Episode 4.

    I kind of hated Elektra’s first couple episodes and quit halfway through - does it get better?

    I didn’t love Ant Man. I liked Michael Pena and some of the size gags (like Thomas the tank engine), and thought the rest was okayish.

    The first Captain America movie almost feels more like a WWII movie than a comic book movie, which I like a lot.

    Yeah I wasn’t a huge fan of the Dark Knight Rises. But I did like it better than Man of Steel, where I was just kind of bored the whole time (except for the stupid tornado overpass scene, where I got angry at the movie for giving people advice that would get them killed).

    I loved the Dark Knight. Its narrative falls apart a little bit at the end, but the first hour and a half to two hours of the movie is really, really solid. The issue is that it’s a well-edited movie that makes its point without beating you over the head with it. It meanders a bit towards the end, but up until that

    There’s no argument more cliched and tiresome than the “If you didn’t like the movie, you just didn’t get it” argument. Sometimes a movie thinks its really clever, but it just doesn’t execute well. Especially if you read a lot of science fiction, a lot of these ideas really aren’t new.

    The problem with the “trauma” explanation for all of this is that her lying about dying and catfishing that guy all occurred well before she ever alleged rape at all, and follows a pattern of escalation she had with this guy.

    The problem is that Jackie did cause serious harm, albeit enabled by Rolling Stone. She’s clearly messed up, but that doesn’t mean she can just hide from what she’s did. Sure, the crime she alleged is worse than what the people she pulled in went through, but that doesn’t make lying about it okay, especially since she

    In this case, however, there’s a heck of a lot more than mixed up details. There’s evidence that well before anything “Jackie” alleged happened, she was catfishing one of her friends and made up a story about dying. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-poi…

    Shit like this is why, while I was initially interested in Sanders, I lost interest in his campaign very, very early.

    That’s not what I said at all though. I said that I don’t like the argument that a woman’s last name is just her father’s last name. I don’t like the argument that a Mrs. Lastname’s name is “just” her husband’s name either. When she takes it, it is her name too.

    Nope. I’m all for choices. Just like if you decide, upon age 18, that you want to change your last name to “Awesome”, that’s your last name.

    Sorry that last sentence is confusing in the first paragraph. What I meant is that they all have the same middle name - the Dad changed his name too. So she was Jane Alice Smith and he was John Edward Jones and now they’re all Firstname Smith Jones.

    I’m in a job where, for legal reasons, I couldn’t not go by my legal name at work. I think that would apply to any licensed job, and it seems like it would be a headache. It’s probably easier the other way around - not change your name but go by the married name socially, if you wanted.

    That’s why my nephew is hyphenated. Otherwise he’d be a half-Latino kid with a name that doesn’t reflect his ethnicity at all.