
It’s about a lot more than that actually.

I have to admit that when my partner and I are looking for new apartments, I prefer sometimes to do the first round of apartment visits alone (I am white and he is a person of color). I feel like we get more callbacks than if we do it the other way around. It might be in my head, but I suspect that it works similarly

And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.

No, you’re totally right! If you’re working crazy hours some of the time (for no extra pay), and other times there’s not much to do, it’s pointless to the point of being offensive to expect people to sit and twiddle their thumbs for a set number of hours in order to fulfill an arbitrary measure that’s not really

Oh man. You’re right—that’s NOT how everyone works now, and it’s completely unreasonable to be expected to be reachable 24/7 (let alone available to “jump of a laptop” to do work at any hour of the day), unless you’re, like, an on-call doctor or firefighter (and even they are only on-call for certain periods of time)

...and of course there’s that whole “professional” class of employees who don’t get paid for their extra time, even when they DO work all those extra hours! I guess he means that us "professionals" should just go get second jobs to earn the extra $'s so we don't have to live on the dole any more. Wonder how much his

yes! And that bullshit about, “oh, I think people would rather work 40 hrs than 30.” Yeah, probably a lot of people would, but the reason they are not is not because of them - it’s their employers working the system and getting the most of their employees for as little as absolutely possible. And the thing that sucks

I’ll vote for him if he puts his money where his mouth is and starts up hard labor camps for all the retired people surviving on social security and medicare that form his base demographic - they want to be productive too!

Thos of us who actually are working know full well that perpetual growth is unsustainable, and

Word, hard deadlines equal laser focus on my end. Vague, deadlines mean I am dicking around for a bit.

If anything, I’d be more productive if I had less time to get things done. I work well under time constraints. Give me 9 hours to work per day and I just end up procrastinating and posting on Jezebel.

Exactly. Like, if you’re in an office job, if half of your workday is devoted to shooting shit and checking the internet and stuff (nothing wrong with that!), it’s not like you’re working productively or efficiently, you’re just working because you have to work that 8-4, 9-5, or whatever.

Two back-to-back posts on my daughter’s Twitter: “I highly encourage you to search “moving to Canada” on Twitter for some serious entertainment.” (People are posting that they’re moving to Canada due to the SCOTUS ruling.) Her next post: “I wonder when they’ll realize that same-sex marriage has been legal in Canada

have some respect when you talk about a Supreme Court Justice/man who leaves pubic hairs on coke cans, JuJu.

Thomas’ own marriage is only legal in all 50 states because of a Supreme Court decision. Just sayin’.

Internalize a sexualized feminine ideal created by men. Wear a sexualized wardrobe designed to appeal to the male gaze. Scold everybody who sexualizes your garments. Call yourself a feminist. Yup, sounds like the typical 16-22 year old woman today.

That’s because boys aren’t constantly trying to wear less and less clothing.

CF’s wife is only spoken about in terms of her rape. We don’t even see her.

Jesus fucking wept.

i tend to cover up. i notice it around wedding season that i really cover up compared to most. it’s hard to find cute dresses that are long with sleeves but it’s doable and i think it actually pays off in a way. i don’t fidget when i cover up more. when i have arms or legs exposed, i feel like all i do is adjust.